AFC v4.0
Milestone ID: 12
AFC v3.1 turned up to be a versatile, cost-effective FMC-HPC carrier. During years since the last release, a number of bugs were revealed and different ideas have raised how to make a design more useful and attract a wide range of users. This release aims to address outstanding issues and make AFC compatible with Sinara hardware ecosystem and ARTIQ control system which opens a way to quantum applications.
Project organization
The main executive of this upgrade is Warsaw University of Technology with @tprzywoz as an electronics designer and @msowinski for project management and consultancy.
Project is divided into several phases:
- current project state diagnosis, selection of issues to be applied and parts of the project to be revised,
- release of the initial version of schematics to be discussed with the community,
- community consultations,
- release of the final schematics to be approved by the community,
- schematics review,
- release of the PCB layout,
- layout review,
- production of prototypes,
- project roundup.
After phase 5 is completed an agreed entity (Creotech?) can start the upgrade of openMMC according to the instructions provided by WUT so that it is ready when prototypes arrive.
All consultations and review processes will take place on OHWR in the form of issues and comments to these.
Schedule and current status
Please be aware that the following schedule may be subject to change!
Action that is currently taking place is emphasised with bold font.
Date | Action |
4.05.2020 | Start of the project. |
11.05.2020 | Start of phase 1. |
27.05.2020 | Release of the schematics to be discussed with community and begging of community consultations. |
7.06.2020 | End of community consultations. |
10.06.2020 | Release of the final schematics to be approved by community |
15.06.2020 | Start of design schematics review. |
19.06.2020 | End of design schematics review. |
10.07.2020 | Release of the PCB layout. |
13.07.2020 | Start of design layout review. |
17.07.2020 | End of design layout review. |
20.07.2020 | Start of prototype fabrication and project roundup. |
23.07.2020 | End of project roundup, waiting for prototypes. |
TBD | Prototypes arrival and testing. |