modify I2C bus structure
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- Developer
- Tomasz Przywózki mentioned in issue #17 (closed)
mentioned in issue #17 (closed)
- Mikolaj Sowinski changed milestone to %AFC v4.0
changed milestone to %AFC v4.0
- Developer
This solution is proven to work in several projects (Sayma, Metlino, Kasli). Are we happy with that?
- Mikolaj Sowinski assigned to @tprzywoz and unassigned @Greg
- Developer
Noone objects. Solved in 3eabfde6
- Mikolaj Sowinski closed
- Maintainer
Sorry for not pointing this before, but while reviewing the MMC, we noticed that the I2C between FPGA and MMC is still there, which seems to be different from the proposal of having separate muxes for FPGA and MMC. These are the signals FPGA_SDA and FPGA_SCL. We at LNLS agreed that removing them will make the I2C bus more straigthforward.
As an extra, we may also remove the voltage translator IC25 if we accept that the I2C bus will only be guaranteed accessible for Vadj of at least 1.8V, which is the minimum level for TCA9548ARGER (notice that the current translator allows for a minimum of 1.5V, so not much loss).
- Gustavo Bruno reopened
- Krzysztof Macias mentioned in issue #148 (closed)
mentioned in issue #148 (closed)
- Developer
I think it's OK to disconnect FPGA I2C from MMC. Especially that we do have a SPI communication channel.
I'd also suggest disconnecting MUX2 (where power control is connected) from FPGA I2C mux so that user application can not mangle with power supply. Or just connect to the freed MMC ports.
- Developer
MMC disconnected from FPGA I2C.
- Tomasz Przywózki mentioned in commit d351ca72
mentioned in commit d351ca72
- Mikolaj Sowinski closed