AMC #ENABLE signal should reset MMC According to AMC specification
#ENABLE signal from MCH should be connected (but inverted) to #RST pin of MMC. This is even present in graphics in IPMI.schdoc
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- Maintainer
Please check commit:26aa3b1b
in commit:26aa3b1b AMC ENABLE# is connected to MMC reset# without negation. MMC will be disabled all the time.
- Maintainer
commit:7b3ec421 should have this corrected, could you please check?
- Mikolaj Sowinski assigned to @tprzywoz
assigned to @tprzywoz
- Mikolaj Sowinski changed milestone to %AFC v4.0
changed milestone to %AFC v4.0
- Daniel Tavares marked #108 (closed) as a duplicate of this issue
marked #108 (closed) as a duplicate of this issue
- Developer
- Developer
Solved in c961a747
- Mikolaj Sowinski closed
- Developer
@KMacias reported some concerns on the operation of the above circuit in the table-top version, as then ACM_En will be floating and G will be high.
- Mikolaj Sowinski reopened
- Developer
- Maintainer
Good catch, however, debugging on tabletop for maintenance also happens. Another way would be to connect this enable pin to the 12V that comes from the connector (may use a resistor + diode for adjusting the voltage), so it will always be enabled while powered from tabletop.
Edited by Gustavo Bruno - Developer
- Maintainer
Looks good!
- Tomasz Przywózki mentioned in commit 3eabfde6
mentioned in commit 3eabfde6
- Mikolaj Sowinski closed
- Developer
There is ENABLE# line left from the previous version, not connected anywhere (with R123 pull-up).
- Krzysztof Macias reopened
- Developer
There is ENABLE# line left from the previous version, not connected anywhere (with R123 pull-up).
- Tomasz Przywózki mentioned in commit c2b15c2f
mentioned in commit c2b15c2f
- Krzysztof Macias closed