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  1. Apr 09, 2020
    • Maciej Lipinski's avatar
      [hdl] add missing generic to generic_dpram in altera · c0e85653
      Maciej Lipinski authored
      This generic is dummy (does nothing), yet it is needed since the
      generic component declaration in genram_pkg.vhd has such generic.
      It has it, because the xilinx generic_dpram.vhd has such generic
      and uses it.
      TBD whether we want to attempt at providing similar functionality
      for altera
  2. Feb 03, 2017
  3. Jan 06, 2016
    • Cesar Prados's avatar
      generic_fifos: reorganization of the inferred, generic and altera fifos · bd7bca1c
      Cesar Prados authored
      The so-called "inferred_X_fifo" are basically generics fifos using
      inferred rams blocks from altera or xilinx, depending the target
      platform. That's why it makes more sense to move them to the "generic"
      folder of genrams. This change forces to rename the "generic_X_fifo"
      under "altera". Since these fifos are using the altera fifo  Megafunction,
      are going to be called "altera_X_fifo". The Manifest has been changed accordingly.
  4. Feb 17, 2015
  5. Aug 22, 2013
  6. May 06, 2013
  7. May 03, 2013
  8. Mar 05, 2013
  9. Mar 01, 2013
    • Wesley W. Terpstra's avatar
    • Wesley W. Terpstra's avatar
      altera fifos: remove unused warnings · 17fdd3c3
      Wesley W. Terpstra authored
      There were many constructs like this:
        gen_with_empty : if(g_with_empty) generate
          empty_o <= empty;
        end generate gen_with_empty;
      If g_with_empty is true, then there are no warnings.
      If g_with_empty is false, then empty_o is unset and empty is unused.
      There is no improvement in performance/resource utilization to explicitly
      cutting these signals. The optimizer will happily discard unused logic.
      The alternative of adding
        gen_without_empty : if(not g_with_empty) generate
          empty_o <= 'X';
        end generate gen_without_empty;
      will remove the empty_o unset warning, but not the empty unused warning.
      This patch does make it possible for designs to  use empty_o without
      setting g_with_empty; an error. On the other hand, those designs had
      undefined behaviour before anyway, so they might have worked unreliably.
  10. Feb 05, 2013
    • Wesley W. Terpstra's avatar
      altera/generic_dpram: Support Arria5 · 39815f08
      Wesley W. Terpstra authored
      Unfortunately, Arria5 cannot do read-old-data for the same port.
      This formulation describes a dual-ported RAM with:
        write-first/read-new-data for RW conflict on same port
        read-first /read-old-data for RW conflict between ports
      ... which is exactly what Arria5 supports (and Arria2 can do too).
      Users of the generic_dpram should simply avoid simultaneous
      RW on the same port, as the result is undefined (Altera != Xilinx).
  11. Jan 28, 2013
    • Wesley W. Terpstra's avatar
      generic_dpram: Should be read-first, as documented. · 904e8886
      Wesley W. Terpstra authored
      Newer quartus versions recognized that the code describes write-first logic,
      which requires combinatorial bypass logic. Unfortunately, this is also impossible
      with two clocks. Thus they reject synthesis. This manifests as the WR endpoint
      RX path failing to synthesize.
  12. Jul 06, 2012
  13. Apr 03, 2012
  14. Mar 28, 2012
  15. Mar 13, 2012
  16. Oct 25, 2011
  17. Oct 04, 2011
  18. May 11, 2011
  19. May 02, 2011