Commit 4e5cb99a authored by Tom Levens's avatar Tom Levens

Add BLT/MBLT modes to driver

parent 383952d8
......@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ hw_mod_name, hw_lif_name, hw_lif_vers, edge_vers, bus, endian, description
FMC-FPG, fmc_fpg, 1.0.0, 3.1, VME, BE, FMC Fast Pulse Generator
# BARs definition table
res_def_name, type, res_no, args, description
registers, MEM, 0, addrspace=A24 dwidth=32 size=0x20000,
res_def_name, type, res_no, args, description
registers, MEM, 0, addrspace=A24 dwidth=32 size=0x20000 dma=BLT|MBLT,
# Block definition table
block_def_name, type, name, offset, rwmode, dwidth, depth, mask, flags, description
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