Commit a7d5a59f authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

Merge tag 'v5.0.0' into develop

5.0.0 - 2021-02-11
- channel sysfs attribute 'chx-offset' does not accept
mV (milli-volts) values
  anymore. Now the unit is uV (micro-Volts)
  - acquisition sysfs attribute 'decimation' is now named
  - software trigger is enable by default
  - on DAC offset saturation set the maximum/minimum value instead of
  - the software trigger is not anymore a ZIO attribute. It is now in

- multiple trigger sources at the same time
- trigger threshold per-channel
- channel sysfs attributes to set trigger threshold
- sysfs binary attribute to overwrite run-time calibration data
- add tool to get/set run-time calibration data
- periodically update gain calibration for DAC and ADC
- trigger time
- MBLT support for SVEC

- library is not supported anymore, use
adc-lib (
- fald-acq tool is not supported anymore, use adc-acq from adc-lib (
parents c0a9675b a3a2724b
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