Ninth White Rabbit Workshop, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 14-16 March 2016.
The Ninth White Rabbit workshop will take place on 14-16 March 2016 at the Amsterdam Science Park conference halls (indicated by Science Park 125 on the map ) in the Euler room (Z009). See also travel information below.
Fully bookedThe good news: We have a record amount of participants!
The bad news: I'm sorry that I have to set an upper limit to the number
of participants.
Please send an email if you want to attend (Peter Jansweijer and then I'll put you on the list of
If you want to present your work then please inform Javier
There is a Vidyo connection to the conference room so you should be able
to attend the workshop from remote as well. Note that being remote is
unfortunately less interactive than being present. If you feel like
having an important question or remark, please use the group chat such
that we can try to address them during the workshop.
Follow this link to join the
For information about Vidyo follow this link to the Vidyo
You are free to join dinner (becoming a tradition) on Tuesday March 15.
Dinner will take place at van
Puffelen in downtown
Amsterdam, Prinsengracht 375-377. The price will be ~30 Euro for a three
course menu (drinks not yet included).
Here you'll find a map that guides you to the
Please let me know if you want to join dinner ( so
I can arrange in time.
Monday, 14 March 2016*
Time | Title | Speaker(s) |
12:00 - 13:00 | Finding your way to the Euler conference room (Z009) at Science park (see travel information) | |
13:00 - 13:10 | Welcome and logistics | Peter Jansweijer |
13:10 - 13:20 | Introduction | Javier Serrano |
13:20 - 14:00 | WR Switch and WR PTP Core - status and plans | Greg Daniluk, Adam Wujek |
14:00 - 14:30 | Absolute timing calibration | Peter Jansweijer |
14:30 - 15:00 | The CHEC DACQ Board - A modified White Rabbit Switch for raw data transfer | Arnim Balzer |
15:00 - 15:30 | IEEE 1588 rev. 3 progress report | Maciej Lipiński |
15:30 - 16:00 | Tea / Coffee break | |
16:00 - 16:30 | Redundant network topologies for dependable time transfer (Maciej's, Jose's) | José Luis Gutiérrez, Maciej Lipiński |
16:30 - 17:00 | Delay attacks on a WR-synchronized Smart Electric Grid | Sergio Barreto |
17:00 - 17:30 | High-Accuracy IEEE 1588 over copper | Rodney Greenstreet, Alejandro Zepeda |
17:30 - 18:00 | Monitoring and logging in WR networks using Etherbone | César Prados |
Tuesday, 15 March 2016*
Wednesday, 16 March 2016*
Time | Title | Speaker(s) |
09:00 - 10:30 | Round table on Open Source Hardware | Javier Díaz, Edwin Hakkennes, Pietari Kauttu, Ruud Kluit, Jacek Kosiec, César Prados, Javier Serrano |
10:30 - 11:00 | Coffee break | |
11:00 - 11:15 | White Rabbit in THU | Hongming Li |
11:15 - 11:45 | WR and the Technolution synchronization system | Edwin Hakkennes |
11:45 - 12:15 | Frequency distribution based on White-Rabbit for LLRF applications | Miguel Méndez |
12:15 - 12:45 | ZEN: Zynq-based embedded WR node | Miguel Jiménez, Rafael Rodríguez |
12:45 - 14:00 | Lunch | |
14:00 - ..... | end of the workshop / guided tours for people who are interested |
- Jiaoni Bai (GSI)
- Arnim Balzer (UVA)
- Sergio Barreto (EPFL)
- Dietrich Beck (GSI)
- David Berge (UVA)
- Vincent van Beveren (Nikhef)
- Erik van der Bij (CERN)
- Andrea Borga (Nikhef)
- Mieke Bouwhuis (Nikhef)
- Paul Boven (JIVE)
- Martin Brückner (PSI)
- Giancarlo Cerretto (INRIM)
- Cedric Champion (CNRS APC)
- Daniel Charlet (CNRS-IN2P3)
- Davide Ciminaghi (GNUDD)
- Greg Daniluk (CERN)
- Javier Díaz (UGR / Seven Solutions)
- Erik Dierikx (VSL)
- Joshua Einstein (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Maarten Emke (Chiron-iT)
- Frank Florian (CNRS SYRTE)
- Qiang Gao (Microwave Vision)
- Guanghua Gong (Tsinghua University)
- Rodney Greenstreet (National Instruments)
- Tom van Leeuwen (Technolution)
- José Luis Gutiérrez (UGR)
- Marek Gumiński (Creotech Instruments S.A.)
- Alex Hahn (GSI)
- Edwin Hakkennes (Technolution)
- Tomasz Janicki (Rotadata Ltd.)
- Peter Jansweijer (Nikhef)
- Miguel Jiménez (UGR)
- Namneet Kaur (CNRS SYRTE)
- Pietari Kauttu (CERN)
- John Kelley (Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center)
- Henry Kieft (Chiron-iT)
- Marcin Kiepiela (Creotech Instruments S.A.)
- Jeroen Koelemeij (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Jacek Kosiec (Creotech Instruments S.A.)
- Hongming Li (Tsinghua University)
- Maciej Lipiński (CERN)
- Miguel Méndez (Seven Solutions)
- Giuseppe Nebbione (GNUDD)
- Carlo Alessandro Nicolau (INFN)
- Rodrigo Olguin (SKA Organisation)
- Henk Peek (Nikhef)
- Tjeerd Pinkert (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Paul-Eric Pottie (CNRS SYRTE)
- César Prados (GSI)
- Diego Real (IFIC)
- Mattia Rizzi (CERN)
- Marco Roda (CERN)
- Alessandro Rubini (GNUDD)
- Jan-Willem Schmelling (Nikhef)
- Javier Serrano (CERN)
- Bart Sijbrandij (INCAA)(INCAA Computers)
- Dušan Slavinec (COSYLAB)
- Anjan Suresh (GSI)
- Cedric Viou (CNRS-INSU / Obs. de Paris)
- Guido Visser (Nikhef)
- Anders Wallin (MIKES)
- Taco Walstra (UVA)
- Ralf Wischnewski (DESY)
- Tomasz Wlostowski (CERN)
- Adam Wujek (CERN)
- Alejandro Zepeda (National Instruments)
How to reach Amsterdam Science Park
Amsterdam Science Park is easy to reach by public transport. The train
station Science Park, as well as the bus stops, are indicated on the
Amsterdam Science Park
The WR workshop will take place at the Amsterdam Science Park conference
halls (indicated by Science Park 125 on the
) Euler room (Z009).
See for more information Getting to Amsterdam Science
Public Transport
Plan your journey by public transport via this link.
For public transport you can either buy single tickets, or use an
The OV-chipkaart is convenient since it is valid in bus, tram, metro and
You can buy an OV-chipkaart at the ticket machines at the train
stations, at the service desks of the GVB (=the
public transport company, these desks are located inside train
stations), and in some tobacco shops, supermarkets and Bruna shops.
You can find all information about fares and the OV-chipkaart on the 9292 website.
Cycling is by far the easiest and fastest way to get around in
There are many places in Amsterdam where you can rent a bicylce:
- at train stations
- at bicycle rental companies (the biggest are: MacBike, Amsterdam Black Bikes and Yellow Bike)
- at cycle shops (there are more than 150 of them)
- at the hotel
Renting a bicycle costs about 8 to 10 euros for a single day. The rate
is lower if you rent it for a couple of days.
Important notes:
- Before you leave the place where you rented the bicycle check that the lights work (back and front). You need them when it is dark outside.
- Before you start riding the bicycle be aware whether you rented one with hand brake or pedal brake. Occasionally a short response time is advantageous. Then it is good to know where the brakes are.
These are the hotels where Nikhef regularly books rooms for their guests.
- Bridge Hotel
- Hotel Parklane
- Hotel Rembrandt
- Eden Amsterdam Hotel
- Eden Lancaster Hotel
- Eden Manor Hotel (= "Hampshire Hotel The Manor")
- Casa 400
Nikhef has negotiated deals with these hotels. If you like Nikhef to
book a hotel for you, please send an email to: You will have to pay the hotel yourself according to
hotel policy.
You can also book a room at yourself. It has been our
experience in the past that it's not much of a difference pricewise.
Most of the hotels are all located along tram line 9, the tram line
closest to Nikhef.
Eden Manor Hotel is closest to Nikhef. Prices vary between 80-150 euro
(depending on season and availability).
Other useful information
Several Wifi networks are available in the conference room (Eduroam and WCW-gast).
- wr_ws9_intro.pdf
- RouteVanPuffelen.pdf
- 9th_WR_Workshop_intro.ppt
- Balzer_DACQ_Boards.pdf
- WRS-WRPC_workshop_2016.pdf
- WRworkshop-P1588-HA.pdf
- WR_HSR.pptx
- WR_Maciej_WRWS2016_Redundancy.pdf
- EPFL_barreto_DelayAttacks_v01.pptx
- Jansweijer_9th_WR_Workshop.ppt
- Improving1588_SyncAccuracy1000BASET.pptx
- Monitoring_Logging_WR.pdf
- 2_WR_2016_db_v0-6.pdf
- 3_wr_capable_mch_final.pptx
- 1_wrpc-sw-rubi.pdf
- 4_hiscore.pdf
- 5_White_Rabbit_tests_for_the_SKA_in_SA.pdf
- 6_wr_km3net_15032016.pptx
- 3_160314-WR-workshop_amsterdam.pdf
- 5_White_Rabbit_tests_for_the_SKA_in_SA.pdf
- 2_PS-BTrain-9th-WR-workshop-Marco_Roda.pdf
- 4_WR-workshop_2016_wallin.pdf
- 5_WR4TFdisseminationNational-PEPottie.pdf
- 6_hp-mr.pdf
- 7_Wlostowski_WR_Workshop.pptx
- 5a_2016.03.15.ASTERICS.WR.Workshop.pptx
- White_Rabbit_in_THU.pdf
- 2_White_Rabbit_Workshop_Technolution.pdf
- WhiteRabbit_9thWS_LLRF_final.pdf
- workshop_photo.jpg
- WR-ZEN_OHWR_v02.pdf