Commit 2abc15a6 authored by tstana's avatar tstana

Thedi: Thursday comments

git-svn-id: 665b4545-5c6b-4c24-801b-41150b02b44b
parent c1fdaebc
TODO (for me):
- check comments vs. user manual before final commit
- VMEAccessDecode: check specifications to see if WB process needs reset
- check for VHDL comments and coding guidelines
x check for VHDL comments and coding guidelines
x synthesize design and check for latches in VMEAmMatch.vhd
- check the [!!!] statements
- check that outputs are latched, if with any logic
General stuff
......@@ -11,19 +12,30 @@ I really like the fact that you wrote a lot of comments in the file headers. The
are very descriptive and very easy to read, which helps users quickly get up to
speed on how they can use your core in their design.
It might help to have some comments accompanying your entity ports. This can
I hope the following will not demoralize you too much, because I'm going to
start with the things that should be improved. Feel free to step into the next
office and smack me one if you feel demoralized. :)
First thing I notice all across your designs is that your naming standards are
inconsistent. You combine camelCasing with PascalCasing and c_or_vhdl_style_casing,
which at least for me makes the code a little hard to read. This can either be
from you, or from the inherited code, so I can't complain too much about that. I
realize that changing signal naming at this particular moment in time would
pretty much be a pain in the ass and a long process, so I don't know what to
advise you in this respect.
What I would advise is to at least have the ports follow CERN HDL naming
conventions. That is, name input ports with an _i suffix, output ports
with a _o suffix and bidirectional ports with _b suffix. In this way, somebody
who has used CERN HDL before will be able to read your code much easier.
It might also help to have some comments accompanying your entity ports. This can
help users quickly instantiate your core (or components of your core), in case
they need them.
Another fairly bothersome thing is the fact that your ISE project is not portable.
When I tried to synthesize your design, it was asking me for locating the
design sources. Which brings me to another not-very-good thing. You might want
to rethink file and folder hierarchy here-and-there. For example, the
VME_Package.vhd file is located in
This file seems to be very important in your design. Thus, it should be located
somewhere more logical from a user perspective, e.g., the hdl/vme64x/ folder.
design sources.
You have some more detailed comments below.
......@@ -107,10 +119,192 @@ xwb_ram.vhd
There is an undefined constant here -- c_SIZE, that you are using to initialize
your g_size generic. However, this constant is not defined anywhere in the context
of these files. I tried finding it in the VME_Package.vhd file as well, but it's
not defined.
of these files. I tried finding it in the vme64x_pack.vhd file as well, but it's
not defined there.
You should either use predefined values for these generics, or defined this
constant somewhere in a package and "use" it in your design sources. I would
recommend the former.
- lines 362-375: the table's column lines are not aligned in some places.
- line 378: were you using TAB characterts to align the components of your statement? I would assume yes, because in my editor the second and
third assignment of the multiplexer are unaligned with the first, and the other
11 assignments are unaligned with the first three. Using SPACE characters to
align these statements (and others in general) would probably be a better idea.
You can also configure your editor to insert SPACE characters instead of TABs
This can make your code aligned irrespective of the machine or the reader's
I can see you have quite a few similar statements following; I will try to list
them out here, to make it easier for you to change them.
- line 395: funny indentation on the
- line 429: funny indentation on the
- line 444: funny indentation in the process
- line 470: funny indentation in the
- lines 525-532: comments are unaligned, probably another TAB-related issue?
- line 638: funny indentation
- lines 643-649: funny indentation in the if statement
- line 653: funny indentation
- lines 750-758: funny indentation on the (twice commented) if statement
- lines 857-860: funny indentation on the (twice commented) if statement
- lines 881-884: funny indentation
- line 907: funny indentation
- line 911: funny indentation
- line 1034: the if statement in this process has a rather looooooooong condition
in the elsif part. I would advise you to use a vector whose bits are set
according to each of your conditions, and then check for that vector inside the
elsif. That, or anything that might make the code more readable. It's hard to
think anyone would bother reading a 7-line condition. True that you explain what
you are doing in the comment preceding the process, but still... Try to make
that statement more readable. It can only do us good!
- line 1054: typo: "overflow" -> "overflows"
- lines 1167-1176: you could align the two statements a little
better, to make the code look nicer
- lines 1309-1330 : Again, the if statement in this process is a bit hard to read
both due to the long conditions, as well as some indenting issues.
- lines 1382-1448: the signal assignment operators in this process are too far
away from the signals. It would be a lot easier to read if you get them closer
to the signals.
- line 1456: funny indent
- line 1478: funny indent
- lines 1547-1561: it is a bit hard to read these statements; due to the many
conditions you have, it is hard to separate assignments from conditions.
- lines 1778-1785: place these statements in order -- led(0), led(1), led(2), etc.
- line 9: typo:
"[...] CR/CSR space is used so is possible [...]"
"[...] CR/CSR space is used so IT is possible [...]"
- line 11: typo
" mode are selected the write operation will not be successful."
" modeS are selected [...]"
- line 47: "storaged" -> "stored"
a bit aggressive with the "!!" here :)
- line 127: funky indentation on the generic
- line 158: funky indentation on the port
- lines 178, 179: funky indentation on the signals
- lines 184-193: I would indent these lines
- line 220: indent
- lines 222-277: Aren't the to_integer()'s in the case statement redundant? Or
is it just because of the case in line 263?
- lines 280-284: you might want to fix the indent here
- line 353: indent
- line 381: indent
- lines 37-59: I suggest you put the constant values in hex. They are a lot more
readable than binary...
- lines 40-84: indent these to make the code more readable
- line 9: "corrisponding" -> "corresponding"
- line 10: "subtract" -> "subtracted"
- line 13: "here one example" -> "here IS one example"
- line 29: "the master access" -> "the master accessES"
- line 32: "the master write" -> "the master writeS"
- line 33: "the master want access at the location"
-> "the master wantS to access the location"
- lines 157, 171: You could add a comment describing what each of these process
does. The process starting in line 171 is particularly hard to follow, so a
comment would help a great deal here.
- Nice FSM drawing! You should however check line 33, it's not aligned to line 34
- line 107, 130, 133, 134, 139: indent...
- lines 251-253: keep the same indent as the rest of the IF statement
- line 298: indent
- line 316: this is actually a Moore FSM (outputs depend only on current state)
I personally find it a bad idea to define multiple components in the same file.
When I get an entity name in an instantiation, my first instinct is to start
looking for a file with the same name as the entity.
Once again, I am aware that this might come from the person before you, but I
would strongly recommend to make the design more modular and easier to get
around, by placing all those components in its separate file.
- line 122: indent...
- lines 39, 74, 86, 98, 110, 122, 134, 146, 158: indent
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