Commit 078ad3a0 authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

simple_tb: add bus timer, enable function 0

parent 4e102489
......@@ -9,6 +9,150 @@ use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;
use work.vme64x_pack.all;
architecture behaviour of top_tb is
subtype cfg_addr_t is std_logic_vector (19 downto 0);
subtype byte_t is std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
subtype vme_am_t is std_logic_vector (5 downto 0);
function hex1 (v : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0)) return character is
case v is
when x"0" => return '0';
when x"1" => return '1';
when x"2" => return '2';
when x"3" => return '3';
when x"4" => return '4';
when x"5" => return '5';
when x"6" => return '6';
when x"7" => return '7';
when x"8" => return '8';
when x"9" => return '9';
when x"a" => return 'a';
when x"b" => return 'b';
when x"c" => return 'c';
when x"d" => return 'd';
when x"e" => return 'e';
when x"f" => return 'f';
when "ZZZZ" => return 'z';
when others => return '?';
end case;
end hex1;
function hex2 (v : byte_t) return string is
return hex1 (v(7 downto 4)) & hex1 (v(3 downto 0));
end hex2;
function hex6 (v : std_logic_vector (23 downto 0)) return string is
variable res : string (6 downto 1);
for i in res'range loop
res (i) := hex1 (v (i * 4 - 1 downto i * 4 - 4));
end loop;
return res;
end hex6;
function hex8 (v : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0)) return string is
variable res : string (8 downto 1);
for i in res'range loop
res (i) := hex1 (v (i * 4 - 1 downto i * 4 - 4));
end loop;
return res;
end hex8;
function hex (v : std_logic_vector) return string
constant ndigits : natural := v'length / 4;
subtype av_t is std_logic_vector (ndigits * 4 - 1 downto 0);
alias av : av_t is v;
variable res : string (ndigits downto 1);
for i in res'range loop
res (i) := hex1 (av (i * 4 - 1 downto i * 4 - 4));
end loop;
return res;
end hex;
-- Decode DAWPR byte
function Disp_DAWPR (v : byte_t) return string is
case v is
when x"81" => return "D08(O)";
when x"82" => return "D08(EO)";
when x"83" => return "D16 + D08";
when x"84" => return "D32 + D16 + D08";
when x"85" => return "MD32 + D16 + D08";
when others => return "??";
end case;
end Disp_DAWPR;
function Image_AM (am : natural range 0 to 63) return String is
case am is
when 16#3f# => return "A24S-BLT";
when 16#3e# => return "A24S-PRG";
when 16#3d# => return "A24S-DAT";
when 16#3c# => return "A24S-MBL";
when 16#3b# => return "A24U-BLT";
when 16#3a# => return "A24U-PRG";
when 16#39# => return "A24U-DAT";
when 16#38# => return "A24U-MBL";
when 16#37# => return "A40x-BLT";
when 16#36# => return "Resvd-46";
when 16#35# => return "A40x-LCK";
when 16#34# => return "A40x-TFR";
when 16#33# => return "Resvd-33";
when 16#32# => return "A24x-LCK";
when 16#31# => return "Resvd-31";
when 16#30# => return "Resvd-30";
when 16#2f# => return "CR-CSR ";
when 16#2e# => return "Resvd-2e";
when 16#2d# => return "A16S ";
when 16#2c# => return "A16x-LCK";
when 16#2b# => return "Resvd-2b";
when 16#2a# => return "Resvd-2a";
when 16#29# => return "A16U ";
when 16#28# => return "Resvd-28";
when 16#27# downto 16#20# => return "Resvd-2x";
when 16#1f# downto 16#10# => return "UD-1x";
when 16#0f# => return "A32S-BLT";
when 16#0e# => return "A32S-PRG";
when 16#0d# => return "A32S-DAT";
when 16#0c# => return "A32S-MBL";
when 16#0b# => return "A32U-BLT";
when 16#0a# => return "A32U-PRG";
when 16#09# => return "A32U-DAT";
when 16#08# => return "A32U-MBL";
when 16#07# => return "Resvd-07";
when 16#06# => return "Resvd-06";
when 16#05# => return "A32x-LCK";
when 16#04# => return "A64x-LCK";
when 16#03# => return "A64x-BLT";
when 16#02# => return "Resvd-02";
when 16#01# => return "A64x-TFR";
when 16#00# => return "A64x-MBL";
end case;
end Image_AM;
procedure Disp_AMCAP (cap : std_logic_vector (63 downto 0)) is
if cap = (cap'range => '0') then
write (output, " -");
for i in cap'range loop
if cap (i) = '1' then
write (output, " ");
write (output, Image_AM (i));
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end Disp_AMCAP;
-- Clock
constant g_CLOCK_PERIOD : natural := 10; -- in ns
......@@ -87,6 +231,7 @@ architecture behaviour of top_tb is
constant slave_ga : std_logic_vector (4 downto 0) := b"0_1101";
signal bus_timer : std_logic;
set_ga: block
......@@ -176,35 +321,80 @@ begin
wait for (g_CLOCK_PERIOD / 2) * 1 ns;
end process;
tb: process
subtype cfg_addr_t is std_logic_vector (19 downto 0);
subtype byte_t is std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
bus_timer_proc : process (clk_i)
type state_t is (IDLE, WAIT_DS, COUNTING, WAIT_END, ERR);
variable state : state_t;
variable count : natural;
if rising_edge (clk_i) then
if VME_RST_n_i = '0' then
state := IDLE;
bus_timer <= '0';
bus_timer <= '0';
case state is
when IDLE =>
if VME_AS_n_i = '0' then
state := WAIT_DS;
end if;
when WAIT_DS =>
count := 20;
if VME_DS_n_i /= "11" then
state := COUNTING;
end if;
when COUNTING =>
if VME_DS_n_i = "11" then
state := WAIT_END;
if count = 0 then
state := ERR;
count := count - 1;
end if;
end if;
when WAIT_END =>
if VME_AS_n_i = '1' then
state := IDLE;
end if;
when ERR =>
bus_timer <= '1';
if VME_AS_n_i = '1' then
state := IDLE;
end if;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
tb: process
constant c_log : boolean := False;
-- Convert a CR/CSR address to the VME address. Insert GA, strip A0.
-- Convert a CR/CSR address to the VME address: insert GA.
-- The ADDR is on 20 bits (so the x"" notation can be used), but as
-- ADDR(19) is stipped, it must be '0'.
function to_vme_cfg_addr (addr : cfg_addr_t)
return std_logic_vector is
assert addr (19) = '0' report "a19 is discarded" severity error;
return x"00" & slave_ga & addr (18 downto 1);
return x"00" & slave_ga & addr (18 downto 0);
end to_vme_cfg_addr;
procedure read8_conf (addr : cfg_addr_t;
variable data : out byte_t)
procedure read8 (addr : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
am : vme_am_t;
variable data : out byte_t)
variable l : line;
variable res : byte_t;
if c_log then
write (l, string'("read8_conf at 0x"));
hwrite (l, addr);
writeline (output, l);
write (output, "read8 at 0x" & hex (addr) & " ["
& Image_AM (to_integer (unsigned (am))) & " ]" & LF);
end if;
VME_ADDR_i <= to_vme_cfg_addr (addr);
VME_AM_i <= c_AM_CR_CSR;
VME_ADDR_i <= addr (31 downto 1);
VME_AM_i <= am;
VME_LWORD_n_i <= '1';
VME_IACK_n_i <= '1';
wait for 35 ns;
......@@ -214,21 +404,41 @@ begin
wait until VME_DTACK_OE_o = '0' and VME_BERR_o = '0';
end if;
VME_DS_n_i <= "10";
wait until VME_DTACK_OE_o = '1' and VME_DTACK_n_o = '0';
assert VME_DATA_DIR_o = '1' report "bad data_dir_o";
assert VME_DATA_OE_N_o = '0' report "bad data_oe_n_o";
data := VME_DATA_o (7 downto 0);
if addr (0) = '0' then
VME_DS_n_i <= "01";
VME_DS_n_i <= "10";
end if;
wait until (VME_DTACK_OE_o = '1' and VME_DTACK_n_o = '0')
or bus_timer = '1';
if bus_timer = '0' then
assert VME_DATA_DIR_o = '1' report "bad data_dir_o";
assert VME_DATA_OE_N_o = '0' report "bad data_oe_n_o";
if addr (0) = '0' then
res := VME_DATA_o (15 downto 8);
res := VME_DATA_o (7 downto 0);
end if;
res := "XXXXXXXX";
end if;
data := res;
-- Release
VME_AS_n_i <= '1';
VME_DS_n_i <= "11";
if c_log then
write (l, string'(" => 0x"));
hwrite(l, VME_DATA_o (7 downto 0));
writeline (output, l);
write (output," => 0x" & hex(res) & LF);
end if;
end read8;
procedure read8_conf (addr : cfg_addr_t;
variable data : out byte_t)
variable l : line;
read8 (to_vme_cfg_addr (addr), c_AM_CR_CSR, data);
end read8_conf;
procedure read8_conf_mb (addr : cfg_addr_t;
......@@ -263,7 +473,7 @@ begin
if not (VME_DTACK_OE_o = '0' and VME_BERR_o = '0') then
wait until VME_DTACK_OE_o = '0' and VME_BERR_o = '0';
end if;
VME_ADDR_i <= to_vme_cfg_addr (addr);
VME_ADDR_i <= to_vme_cfg_addr (addr)(0 to 30);
VME_AM_i <= c_AM_CR_CSR;
VME_LWORD_n_i <= '1';
VME_IACK_n_i <= '1';
......@@ -287,79 +497,6 @@ begin
VME_AS_n_i <= '1';
end write8_conf;
function hex1 (v : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0)) return character is
case v is
when x"0" => return '0';
when x"1" => return '1';
when x"2" => return '2';
when x"3" => return '3';
when x"4" => return '4';
when x"5" => return '5';
when x"6" => return '6';
when x"7" => return '7';
when x"8" => return '8';
when x"9" => return '9';
when x"a" => return 'a';
when x"b" => return 'b';
when x"c" => return 'c';
when x"d" => return 'd';
when x"e" => return 'e';
when x"f" => return 'f';
when "ZZZZ" => return 'z';
when others => return '?';
end case;
end hex1;
function hex2 (v : byte_t) return string is
return hex1 (v(7 downto 4)) & hex1 (v(3 downto 0));
end hex2;
function hex6 (v : std_logic_vector (23 downto 0)) return string is
variable res : string (6 downto 1);
for i in res'range loop
res (i) := hex1 (v (i * 4 - 1 downto i * 4 - 4));
end loop;
return res;
end hex6;
function hex8 (v : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0)) return string is
variable res : string (8 downto 1);
for i in res'range loop
res (i) := hex1 (v (i * 4 - 1 downto i * 4 - 4));
end loop;
return res;
end hex8;
function hex (v : std_logic_vector) return string
constant ndigits : natural := v'length / 4;
subtype av_t is std_logic_vector (ndigits * 4 - 1 downto 0);
alias av : av_t is v;
variable res : string (ndigits downto 1);
for i in res'range loop
res (i) := hex1 (av (i * 4 - 1 downto i * 4 - 4));
end loop;
return res;
end hex;
-- Decode DAWPR byte
function Disp_DAWPR (v : byte_t) return string is
case v is
when x"81" => return "D08(O)";
when x"82" => return "D08(EO)";
when x"83" => return "D16 + D08";
when x"84" => return "D32 + D16 + D08";
when x"85" => return "MD32 + D16 + D08";
when others => return "??";
end case;
end Disp_DAWPR;
procedure Dump_CR
variable d : byte_t;
......@@ -461,7 +598,9 @@ begin
for i in 0 to 7 loop
read8_conf_mb (std_logic_vector (unsigned'(x"0_0123") + i * 32), b8);
write (output, "CR FN" & natural'image (i) & " AMCAP: 0x"
& hex (b8) & LF);
& hex (b8) & " [");
Disp_AMCAP (b8);
write (output, " ]" & LF);
end loop;
......@@ -490,7 +629,6 @@ begin
read8_conf_mb (x"0_06d3", b32);
write (output, "CR mastr XAMCAP: 0x" & hex (b32) & LF);
end Dump_CR;
variable l : line;
......@@ -528,11 +666,26 @@ begin
read8_conf (x"7_ff63", d);
assert d = x"00" report "bad initial ADER0 value" severity error;
-- Set ADER
-- Set ADER
write8_conf (x"7_ff63", x"56");
write8_conf (x"7_ff6f", c_AM_A32 & "00");
read8_conf (x"7_ff63", d);
assert d = x"56" report "bad ADER0 value" severity error;
-- Try to read (but card is not yet enabled)
read8 (x"56_00_00_00", c_AM_A32, d);
report "read data: " & hex (d);
assert d = "XXXXXXXX" report "unexpected reply" severity error;
-- Enable card
write8_conf (x"7_fffb", b"0001_0000");
read8_conf (x"7_fffb", d);
assert d = b"0001_0000" report "module must be enabled" severity error;
-- WB read
read8 (x"56_00_00_00", c_AM_A32, d);
report "read data: " & hex (d);
assert false report "end of simulation" severity failure;
end process;
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