Commit bb85f887 authored by Peter Jansweijer's avatar Peter Jansweijer

proj_properties: add g_use_pps_in_single for write design

parent c734c613
......@@ -11,11 +11,21 @@ set lm32_wrpc_initf [pwd]/../../../sw/precompiled/wrps-sw_spec7/wrc.bram
set lm32_wrpc_elf [pwd]/../../../sw/precompiled/wrps-sw_spec7/wrc.elf
set lm32_wrpc_instpath "lm32_wrpc_memory"
set g_use_pps_in_single FALSE
# Translate True/False into boolean values 1'b1, 1'b0, that are accepted by Vivado
if {$g_use_pps_in_single} {
set g_use_pps_in_single 1'b1
} else {
set g_use_pps_in_single 1'b0
# update revision except when argument "no_update_revison" is passed (as for example by viv_do_programm.tcl)
if {$argc == 0 || $argv != "no_update_revision"} {
source $script_dir/revisiondate.tcl
set generics "g_dpram_initf=$lm32_wrpc_initf"
set generics "g_dpram_initf=$lm32_wrpc_initf \
# SPEC7 equipped with ZYNQ XC7Z035FBG676-1 (speed grade -1 has lowest performance)
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