Handle the tools stuff as an isolated package

parent 403ccb9d
......@@ -33,10 +33,9 @@ from hdlmake.tools import (
ToolIVerilog, ToolISim, ToolModelsim,
ToolActiveHDL, ToolRiviera, ToolGHDL)
from .action import Action
class ActionSimulation(
ToolIVerilog, ToolISim, ToolModelsim,
ToolActiveHDL, ToolRiviera, ToolGHDL):
class ActionSimulation(Action):
"""This class contains the simulation specific methods"""
......@@ -30,9 +30,10 @@ from hdlmake.tools import (
ToolISE, ToolPlanAhead, ToolVivado,
ToolQuartus, ToolDiamond, ToolLibero)
from .action import Action
class ActionSynthesis(ToolISE, ToolPlanAhead, ToolVivado,
ToolQuartus, ToolDiamond, ToolLibero):
class ActionSynthesis(Action):
"""Class providing the public synthesis methods for the user"""
......@@ -26,10 +26,9 @@
import os
from hdlmake.util import path as path_mod
from hdlmake.action import Action
class ToolMakefile(Action):
class ToolMakefile(object):
"""Class that provides the Makefile writing methods and status"""
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