Improve how the selected tool is loaded in simulation and synthesis actions

parent b9c20d5d
......@@ -57,45 +57,34 @@ class ActionSimulation(
tool_name = self.get_top_module().manifest_dict["sim_tool"]
if tool_name is "iverilog":
tool_object = ToolIVerilog()
elif tool_name is "isim":
tool_object = ToolISim()
elif tool_name is "modelsim":
tool_object = ToolModelsim()
elif tool_name is "active-hdl":
tool_object = ToolActiveHDL()
elif tool_name is "riviera":
tool_object = ToolRiviera()
elif tool_name is "ghdl":
tool_object = ToolGHDL()
tool_dict = {"iverilog": ToolIVerilog,
"isim": ToolISim,
"modelsim": ToolModelsim,
"active-hdl": ToolActiveHDL,
"riviera": ToolRiviera,
"ghdl": ToolGHDL}
if not tool_name in tool_dict:
logging.error("Unknown sim_tool: %s", tool_name)
tool_object = tool_dict[tool_name]()
tool_info = tool_object.TOOL_INFO
if sys.platform == 'cygwin':
bin_name = tool_info['windows_bin']
bin_name = tool_info['linux_bin']
path_key = tool_info['id'] + '_path'
name = tool_info['name']
if self.env[path_key] is None and self.env.options.force is not True:
logging.error("Can't generate a " + name + " makefile. " +
bin_name + " not found.")
sys.exit("Exiting")"Generating " + name + " makefile for simulation.")
top_module = self.get_top_module()
fset = self.build_file_set(top_module.manifest_dict["sim_top"])
dep_files = fset.filter(DepFile)
# dep_solver.solve(dep_files)
# tool_object.generate_simulation_makefile(dep_files, top_module)
......@@ -42,21 +42,16 @@ class ActionSynthesis(ToolISE, ToolPlanAhead, ToolVivado,
def _load_synthesis_tool(self):
"""Returns a tool_object that provides the synthesis tool interface"""
tool_name = self.get_top_module().manifest_dict["syn_tool"]
if tool_name is "ise":
tool_object = ToolISE()
elif tool_name is "planahead":
tool_object = ToolPlanAhead()
elif tool_name is "vivado":
tool_object = ToolVivado()
elif tool_name is "quartus":
tool_object = ToolQuartus()
elif tool_name is "diamond":
tool_object = ToolDiamond()
elif tool_name is "libero":
tool_object = ToolLibero()
tool_dict = {"ise": ToolISE,
"planahead": ToolPlanAhead,
"vivado": ToolVivado,
"quartus": ToolQuartus,
"diamond": ToolDiamond,
"libero": ToolLibero}
if not tool_name in tool_dict:
logging.error("Synthesis tool not recognized: %s", tool_name)
return tool_object
return tool_dict[tool_name]()
def _check_synthesis_project(self):
"""Check the manifest contains all the keys for a synthesis project"""
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