Commit af69d95d authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

inferred_async_fifo: avoid nested 'others' clause in signal initialization to…

inferred_async_fifo: avoid nested 'others' clause in signal initialization to keep ISE (Virtex5) happy
parent 4ef4d9d1
......@@ -116,11 +116,20 @@ architecture syn of inferred_async_fifo is
bin_x, gray_x : t_counter;
end record;
constant c_counters_reset_value : t_counter_block :=
( bin => (others => '0'),
bin_next => (others => '0'),
gray => (others => '0'),
gray_next => (others => '0'),
bin_x => (others => '0'),
gray_x => (others => '0') );
type t_mem_type is array (0 to g_size-1) of std_logic_vector(g_data_width-1 downto 0);
signal mem : t_mem_type := (others => (others => '0'));
signal rcb, wcb : t_counter_block := (others =>(others => '0'));
signal rcb, wcb : t_counter_block := c_counters_reset_value;
signal full_int, empty_int : std_logic;
signal almost_full_int, almost_empty_int : std_logic;
signal going_full : std_logic;
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