Commit 857483c0 authored by Jan Pospisil's avatar Jan Pospisil

added test script; reformatted Ffpg class (added comments)

parent 6e97c2da
...@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ The "!->" determines what to check further when check fails. ...@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ The "!->" determines what to check further when check fails.
1) Plug FMC mezzanine into SVEC carrier board and into VME crate (and configure properly) 1) Plug FMC mezzanine into SVEC carrier board and into VME crate (and configure properly)
2) When using FMC mezzanine version 2 (EDA-03339-V2), check that all power LEDs (LD1, LD2, LD3) are on (!-> SVEC fuses, power supplies) 2) When using FMC mezzanine version 2 (EDA-03339-V2), check that all power LEDs (LD1, LD2, LD3) are on (!-> SVEC fuses, power supplies)
3) Connect clock (CLK IN) f_CLK = 400.789 MHz and trigger (TRIG IN) f_TRIG = 11.245 kHz - trigger has to be phase aligned with clock 3) Connect clock (CLK IN) f_CLK = 400.789 MHz and trigger (TRIG IN) f_TRIG = 11.245 kHz - trigger has to be phase aligned with clock
4) Use /sw/ to configure the GW and run some test 4) Use /sw/ or /sw/ to configure the GW and run some test
5) Check: 5) Check:
a) There is f_CLK/2 clock present on CLK OUT (!-> AD9512 divider) a) There is f_CLK/2 clock present on CLK OUT (!-> AD9512 divider)
b) LED CLK IN is on (!-> clock source is not stable?) b) LED CLK IN is on (!-> clock source is not stable?)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
## Title : Test Script
## Project : FMC DEL 1ns 2cha (FFPG)
## URL :
## File :
## Author(s) : Jan Pospisil <>
## Company : CERN (BE-BI-QP)
## Created : 2017-09-14
## Last update: 2017-09-14
## Standard : Python
## Description: Script for testing new boards
## Copyright (c) 2017 CERN (BE-BI-QP)
## This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
## Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
## option) any later version. This source is distributed in the hope that it
## will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
## See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have
## received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
## source; if not, download it from
## Revisions :
## Date Version Author Comment
## 2017-09-14 1.0 Jan Pospisil Created (based on FFPG_driver)
import time
import sys
from Ffpg import *
calibrationData = [ # -1 = uncalibrated
# channel 1, channel 2
[-1, -1], # FMC slot 0
[-1, -1] # FMC slot 1
def Init(pg):
global calibrationData
pg.SelectClock("external", 400.789)
pg.SetVcxoFrequency(-0.2105) # 125.0000 MHz
# calibration
fmcSlot = pg.GetFmcSlot()
for channel in [1,2]:
triggerPhase = calibrationData[fmcSlot][channel-1]
print("Calibrating channel "+str(channel)+" on FMC slot "+str(fmcSlot)+" to "+str(triggerPhase)+" ns")
if triggerPhase > -1:
pg.SetTriggerPhase(channel, triggerPhase)
print(" (Skipping this calibration, no calibration data (-1) provided.)")
def TestSinglePulse(pg, channel, start, width, polarity):
pg.CreateSinglePulse(channel, start, width, polarity)
def StopAndDisable(pg, channel):
def PrintFrequency(pg):
frequency = pg.GetFrequency()
if frequency is not None:
print("RF clock frequency: "+str(frequency/1.0e6) + " MHz")
print("RF clock frequency: (unstable)")
def StrPolarity(polarity):
if polarity == 1:
return "positive polarity"
elif polarity == 0:
return "negative polarity"
return "unknown polarity"
while True:
fmcSlot = -1
while (fmcSlot < 0) or (fmcSlot > 1):
fmcSlot = int(raw_input("Enter FMC slot to test (0 - lower FMC1, 1 - upper FMC2): "))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ""
fmcSlot = -1
channel = -1
while (channel < 1) or (channel > 2):
channel = int(raw_input("Enter channel number to test (1, 2): "))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ""
channel = -1
# create FFPG driver for FMC slot
pg = Ffpg(fmcSlot)
# initialize the driver
# test LEDs
raw_input("All LEDs should be blinking... (press Enter)")
# test pulses
start = 10
width = 10
polarity = 1
TestSinglePulse(pg, channel, start, width, polarity)
raw_input("Basic pulse generated (start = "+str(start)+" ns, width = "+str(width)+" ns, "+StrPolarity(polarity)+") (press Enter)")
for start in range (10, 13+1):
TestSinglePulse(pg, channel, start, width, polarity)
raw_input("Shifting start of the pulse (start = "+str(start)+" ns, width = "+str(width)+" ns, "+StrPolarity(polarity)+") (press Enter)")
for width in range (10, 13+1):
TestSinglePulse(pg, channel, start, width, polarity)
raw_input("Shifting width of the pulse (start = "+str(start)+" ns, width = "+str(width)+" ns, "+StrPolarity(polarity)+") (press Enter)")
# stop and disable channel
StopAndDisable(pg, channel)
# print some info
print("Actual temperature: "+str(pg.temp.ReadTemperature()) + " °C")
cont = raw_input("Next test? (n - quit, Enter - next test): ")
if cont == "n":
...@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ ...@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
## 2016-09-06 1.0 Jan Pospisil Derived from the initial example driver ## 2016-09-06 1.0 Jan Pospisil Derived from the initial example driver
## 2016-09-07 1.1 Jan Pospisil added AD9512 OUT4 fine delay ## 2016-09-07 1.1 Jan Pospisil added AD9512 OUT4 fine delay
## 2016-09-21 1.2 Jan Pospisil added GetFmcSlot and LED test methods ## 2016-09-21 1.2 Jan Pospisil added GetFmcSlot and LED test methods
## 2017-09-14 1.2.1 Jan Pospisil reformatted, added comments
##----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import time import time
...@@ -63,39 +64,14 @@ class Ffpg(object): ...@@ -63,39 +64,14 @@ class Ffpg(object):
def GetFmcSlot(self): def GetFmcSlot(self):
return self.fmcSlot return self.fmcSlot
def GetVersion(self):
version = self.wb.Read("version")
major = (version >> 22) & ((2**10)-1)
minor = (version >> 12) & ((2**10)-1)
revision = version & ((2**12)-1)
return [major, minor, revision]
def PrintVersion(self): #######################
[major, minor, revision] = self.GetVersion() # Common Configuration
print("Gateware version: "+str(major)+"."+str(minor)+"."+str(revision)) #######################
def CompareVersion(self, major, minor, revision): def Reset(self):
""" self.ClearMemory(0, "*")
check actual version against provided version self.wb.Write("control", 0)
0 - versions are same
1 - actual version is newer than argument provided
-1 - actual version is older than argument provided
[actualMajor, actualMinor, actualRevision] = self.GetVersion()
if actualMajor > major:
return 1
if actualMajor < major:
return -1
if actualMinor > minor:
return 1
if actualMinor < minor:
return -1
if actualRevision > revision:
return 1
if actualRevision < revision:
return -1
return 0
def SelectClock(self, clockType, frequency): def SelectClock(self, clockType, frequency):
""" """
...@@ -155,134 +131,31 @@ class Ffpg(object): ...@@ -155,134 +131,31 @@ class Ffpg(object):
code &= (2**bits)-1 code &= (2**bits)-1
self.wb.Write("vcxo_voltage", code) self.wb.Write("vcxo_voltage", code)
def GetFrequency(self): def SetClockFineDelay(self, fineDelay, current = 0, capacitors = 0):
# return frequency of RF clock in Hz, if stable, None otherwise
status = self.wb.Read("status")
if (status & (1<<8) == 0):
return None
return self.wb.Read("frequency")
def ClearMemory(self, channel, memory, memoryPart = -1):
""" """
channel = 1 | 2 | 0 (for both) enable and set AD9512 OUT4 output fine delay
memory = 'set' | 'res' | '*' (for both memories) fineDelay = <0, 31>
if memoryPart > -1: clear only first memoryPart words
""" """
if channel == 0: # enable fine delay
self.ClearMemory(1, memory, memoryPart) self.wb.SetBits("control", (1<<10))
self.ClearMemory(2, memory, memoryPart) # set fine delay
return fineDelayReg = fineDelay & 0x1F
fineDelayReg |= (current & 0x7) << 5
fineDelayReg |= (capacitors & 0x7) << 8
self.wb.Write("fine_delay", fineDelayReg)
assert (memory == "set") or (memory == "res") or (memory == "*"), "Bad memory!" def DisableClockFineDelay(self):
if memory == "*": self.wb.SetBits("control", (1<<10), 0)
self.ClearMemory(channel, "set", memoryPart)
self.ClearMemory(channel, "res", memoryPart)
partToClear = 2048
to = -1
if memoryPart > -1:
partToClear = memoryPart
to = memoryPart
self.wb.WriteMulti(self._GetChannelRegName(channel, memory+"_mem"), (0,)*partToClear, to = to)
def Reset(self): #######################
self.ClearMemory(0, "*") # Pulse Channel Configuration
self.wb.Write("control", 0) #######################
def _GetChannelRegName(self, channel, name): def _GetChannelRegName(self, channel, name):
assert (channel == 1) or (channel == 2), "Bad channel \"" + str(channel) + "\", we have only 2 channels!" assert (channel == 1) or (channel == 2), "Bad channel \"" + str(channel) + "\", we have only 2 channels!"
return "ch" + str(channel) + "_" + name return "ch" + str(channel) + "_" + name
def GetClockPeriod(self):
""" return clock period in [ns] of the RF clock coming to the FPGA """
return 1000.0/(self.inputClockFrequency/self.GetRatio())
def SetFineDelay(self, channel, memory, delayValue):
channel = 1 | 2
memory = "set" | "res"
delayValue in [ns]
# compensate for calibration
delayValue += self.fineTriggerPhase[channel]
# calculate delay binary value
binaryValue = int(round(delayValue * 100)) # step is 10 ps
assert binaryValue < 2**10, "Fine delay is larger than the IC can handle!"
# set delay
self.wb.Write(self._GetChannelRegName(channel, "delay_"+memory), binaryValue)
def SetTriggerPhase(self, channel, phase):
""" phase in [ns] - depends on setup, cable length... """
clockPeriod = self.GetClockPeriod()
bitPhase = int(phase/clockPeriod) # advance output pulse
finePhase = phase - bitPhase * clockPeriod # delay output pulse
if finePhase > 0:
bitPhase += 1
finePhase = clockPeriod - finePhase
self.wb.Write(self._GetChannelRegName(channel, "trig_latency"), bitPhase)
self.fineTriggerPhase[channel] = finePhase
self.SetFineDelay(channel, "set", 0)
def PrintStatus(self):
print("Status register:")
status = self.wb.Read("status")
PrintBit(status, 0, "Clock infrastructure configuration", "busy", "idle")
PrintBit(status, 1, "VCXO DAC", "busy", "idle")
PrintBit(status, 2, "Trigger threshold DAC", "busy", "idle")
PrintBit(status, 3, "Delay configuration", "busy", "idle")
PrintBit(status, 4, "Channel 1 output", "enabled", "disabled")
PrintBit(status, 5, "Channel 2 output", "enabled", "disabled")
PrintBit(status, 6, "Channel 1", "running", "stopped")
PrintBit(status, 7, "Channel 2", "running", "stopped")
PrintBit(status, 8, "Input clock stability", "stable", "not stable/present")
def PrintControl(self):
print("Control register: ")
control = self.wb.Read("control")
PrintBits(control, 0, 1, "Clock selection", ("external clock", "FPGA LOOP", "on-board VCXO"))
PrintBit(control, 2, "Channel 1 output", "enabled", "disabled")
PrintBit(control, 3, "Channel 2 output", "enabled", "disabled")
PrintBits(control, 4, 5, "Channel 1 mode", ("stopped", "continuous", "one-shot"))
PrintBits(control, 6, 7, "Channel 2 mode", ("stopped", "continuous", "one-shot"))
PrintBit(control, 8, "LEDs", "blinking", "normal operation")
PrintBit(control, 9, "AD9512 Synchronization", "in progress", "done")
def PrintDebug(self):
debug = self.wb.Read("debug")
PrintBits(debug, 0, 2, "CH1 FSM state", ("Stop", "WaitForTrigger", "Generating", "Outputting"))
PrintBits(debug, 3, 5, "CH2 FSM state", ("Stop", "WaitForTrigger", "Generating", "Outputting"))
def EnableChannel(self, channel):
channel -= 1
channel %= 2
self.wb.SetBits("control", 0x4<<channel, 0x4<<channel) # set output enable
def DisableChannel(self, channel):
channel -= 1
channel %= 2
self.wb.SetBits("control", 0x4<<channel, 0) # set output disable
def StartChannel(self, channel):
channel -= 1
channel %= 2
channel *= 2
self.wb.SetBits("control", 0x30<<channel, 0x10<<channel) # set mode CONT.
def StartChannelOnce(self, channel):
channel -= 1
channel %= 2
channel *= 2
self.wb.SetBits("control", 0x30<<channel, 0x20<<channel) # set mode ONE-SHOT
def StopChannel(self, channel):
channel -= 1
channel %= 2
channel *= 2
self.wb.SetBits("control", 0x30<<channel, 0) # set mode STOP
def _ConfigurePulse(self, channel, setIndex, resIndex, pulse, which = 0): def _ConfigurePulse(self, channel, setIndex, resIndex, pulse, which = 0):
""" """
Manipulate the SET and RESET pulse generator arrays: Manipulate the SET and RESET pulse generator arrays:
...@@ -322,19 +195,55 @@ class Ffpg(object): ...@@ -322,19 +195,55 @@ class Ffpg(object):
shift = resIndex%32 shift = resIndex%32
self.wb.SetBitsMulti(self._GetChannelRegName(channel, "res_mem"), ((1<<shift),), ((pulse<<shift),), start=position, to=position+1) self.wb.SetBitsMulti(self._GetChannelRegName(channel, "res_mem"), ((1<<shift),), ((pulse<<shift),), start=position, to=position+1)
def ResetBadState(self, channel): def SetTriggerPhase(self, channel, phase):
""" robust reset function to get out of the bad `state 1` """ """ phase in [ns] - depends on setup, cable length... """
self.DisableChannel( channel ) #Outputs Hi-Z clockPeriod = self.GetClockPeriod()
self.StopChannel( channel ) #Stop clock bitPhase = int(phase/clockPeriod) # advance output pulse
self.ClearMemory( channel, "*" ) #Clear the pulse generator arrays finePhase = phase - bitPhase * clockPeriod # delay output pulse
# Define a single SET pulse per cycle, if finePhase > 0:
# after two cycles, the MC100EP140 should be in the good bitPhase += 1
# state number 3 (output high) finePhase = clockPeriod - finePhase
self._ConfigurePulse(channel, 10, 50, 1, 1) self.wb.Write(self._GetChannelRegName(channel, "trig_latency"), bitPhase)
self.StartChannel( channel ) #Enable clock self.fineTriggerPhase[channel] = finePhase
time.sleep( 1e-3 ) self.SetFineDelay(channel, "set", 0)
self.StopChannel( channel )
self.ClearMemory( channel, "*" ) def SetFineDelay(self, channel, memory, delayValue):
channel = 1 | 2
memory = "set" | "res"
delayValue in [ns]
# compensate for calibration
delayValue += self.fineTriggerPhase[channel]
# calculate delay binary value
binaryValue = int(round(delayValue * 100)) # step is 10 ps
assert binaryValue < 2**10, "Fine delay is larger than the IC can handle!"
# set delay
self.wb.Write(self._GetChannelRegName(channel, "delay_"+memory), binaryValue)
def ClearMemory(self, channel, memory, memoryPart = -1):
channel = 1 | 2 | 0 (for both)
memory = 'set' | 'res' | '*' (for both memories)
if memoryPart > -1: clear only first memoryPart words
if channel == 0:
self.ClearMemory(1, memory, memoryPart)
self.ClearMemory(2, memory, memoryPart)
assert (memory == "set") or (memory == "res") or (memory == "*"), "Bad memory!"
if memory == "*":
self.ClearMemory(channel, "set", memoryPart)
self.ClearMemory(channel, "res", memoryPart)
partToClear = 2048
to = -1
if memoryPart > -1:
partToClear = memoryPart
to = memoryPart
self.wb.WriteMulti(self._GetChannelRegName(channel, memory+"_mem"), (0,)*partToClear, to = to)
def CreateSinglePulse(self, channel, start, width, polarity = 1): def CreateSinglePulse(self, channel, start, width, polarity = 1):
""" """
...@@ -424,21 +333,130 @@ class Ffpg(object): ...@@ -424,21 +333,130 @@ class Ffpg(object):
else: else:
self._ConfigurePulse(channel, 0, 0, 1, 1) # only one set bit self._ConfigurePulse(channel, 0, 0, 1, 1) # only one set bit
def SetClockFineDelay(self, fineDelay, current = 0, capacitors = 0): def ResetBadState(self, channel):
""" robust reset function to get out of the bad `state 1` """
self.DisableChannel( channel ) #Outputs Hi-Z
self.StopChannel( channel ) #Stop clock
self.ClearMemory( channel, "*" ) #Clear the pulse generator arrays
# Define a single SET pulse per cycle,
# after two cycles, the MC100EP140 should be in the good
# state number 3 (output high)
self._ConfigurePulse(channel, 10, 50, 1, 1)
self.StartChannel( channel ) #Enable clock
time.sleep( 1e-3 )
self.StopChannel( channel )
self.ClearMemory( channel, "*" )
def EnableChannel(self, channel):
channel -= 1
channel %= 2
self.wb.SetBits("control", 0x4<<channel, 0x4<<channel) # set output enable
def DisableChannel(self, channel):
channel -= 1
channel %= 2
self.wb.SetBits("control", 0x4<<channel, 0) # set output disable
def StartChannel(self, channel):
channel -= 1
channel %= 2
channel *= 2
self.wb.SetBits("control", 0x30<<channel, 0x10<<channel) # set mode CONT.
def StartChannelOnce(self, channel):
channel -= 1
channel %= 2
channel *= 2
self.wb.SetBits("control", 0x30<<channel, 0x20<<channel) # set mode ONE-SHOT
def StopChannel(self, channel):
channel -= 1
channel %= 2
channel *= 2
self.wb.SetBits("control", 0x30<<channel, 0) # set mode STOP
# Reporting, Debugging
def GetVersion(self):
version = self.wb.Read("version")
major = (version >> 22) & ((2**10)-1)
minor = (version >> 12) & ((2**10)-1)
revision = version & ((2**12)-1)
return [major, minor, revision]
def PrintVersion(self):
[major, minor, revision] = self.GetVersion()
print("Gateware version: "+str(major)+"."+str(minor)+"."+str(revision))
def CompareVersion(self, major, minor, revision):
""" """
enable and set AD9512 OUT4 output fine delay check actual version against provided version
fineDelay = <0, 31> returns:
0 - versions are same
1 - actual version is newer than argument provided
-1 - actual version is older than argument provided
""" """
# enable fine delay [actualMajor, actualMinor, actualRevision] = self.GetVersion()
self.wb.SetBits("control", (1<<10)) if actualMajor > major:
# set fine delay return 1
fineDelayReg = fineDelay & 0x1F if actualMajor < major:
fineDelayReg |= (current & 0x7) << 5 return -1
fineDelayReg |= (capacitors & 0x7) << 8 if actualMinor > minor:
self.wb.Write("fine_delay", fineDelayReg) return 1
if actualMinor < minor:
return -1
if actualRevision > revision:
return 1
if actualRevision < revision:
return -1
return 0
def DisableClockFineDelay(self): def GetFrequency(self):
self.wb.SetBits("control", (1<<10), 0) # return frequency of RF clock in Hz, if stable, None otherwise
status = self.wb.Read("status")
if (status & (1<<8) == 0):
return None
return self.wb.Read("frequency")
def GetClockPeriod(self):
""" return clock period in [ns] of the RF clock coming to the FPGA """
return 1000.0/(self.inputClockFrequency/self.GetRatio())
def PrintStatus(self):
print("Status register:")
status = self.wb.Read("status")
PrintBit(status, 0, "Clock infrastructure configuration", "busy", "idle")
PrintBit(status, 1, "VCXO DAC", "busy", "idle")
PrintBit(status, 2, "Trigger threshold DAC", "busy", "idle")
PrintBit(status, 3, "Delay configuration", "busy", "idle")
PrintBit(status, 4, "Channel 1 output", "enabled", "disabled")
PrintBit(status, 5, "Channel 2 output", "enabled", "disabled")
PrintBit(status, 6, "Channel 1", "running", "stopped")
PrintBit(status, 7, "Channel 2", "running", "stopped")
PrintBit(status, 8, "Input clock stability", "stable", "not stable/present")
def PrintControl(self):
print("Control register: ")
control = self.wb.Read("control")
PrintBits(control, 0, 1, "Clock selection", ("external clock", "FPGA LOOP", "on-board VCXO"))
PrintBit(control, 2, "Channel 1 output", "enabled", "disabled")
PrintBit(control, 3, "Channel 2 output", "enabled", "disabled")
PrintBits(control, 4, 5, "Channel 1 mode", ("stopped", "continuous", "one-shot"))
PrintBits(control, 6, 7, "Channel 2 mode", ("stopped", "continuous", "one-shot"))
PrintBit(control, 8, "LEDs", "blinking", "normal operation")
PrintBit(control, 9, "AD9512 Synchronization", "in progress", "done")
PrintBit(control, 10, "AD9512 Fine Delay", "enabled", "disabled")
PrintBit(control, 11, "AD9512 SPI mode", "WB bridge", "automatic mode")
def PrintDebug(self):
debug = self.wb.Read("debug")
PrintBits(debug, 0, 2, "CH1 FSM state", ("Stop", "WaitForTrigger", "Generating", "Outputting"))
PrintBits(debug, 3, 5, "CH2 FSM state", ("Stop", "WaitForTrigger", "Generating", "Outputting"))
def LedModeTest(self): def LedModeTest(self):
self.wb.SetBits("control", (1<<8)) self.wb.SetBits("control", (1<<8))
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