Commit d2a1b6a5 authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

testbench(svec): disp memory content

parent 9eca5c98
......@@ -363,6 +363,33 @@ module main;
wait (acq_fsm_state == 1);
$display("<%t> END ACQ 1/4", $realtime);
acc.write(`CSR_BASE + `ADDR_FMC_ADC_100MS_CSR_PRE_SAMPLES, 'h00000004);
acc.write(`CSR_BASE + `ADDR_FMC_ADC_100MS_CSR_POST_SAMPLES, 'h00000008);
acc.write(`CSR_BASE + `ADDR_FMC_ADC_100MS_CSR_SHOTS, 'h00000001);
val = (1'b1 << `FMC_ADC_100MS_CSR_TRIG_EN_CH1_OFFSET);
acc.write(`CSR_BASE + `ADDR_FMC_ADC_100MS_CSR_TRIG_EN, val);
$display("<%t> START ACQ 1b/4", $realtime);
acc.write(`CSR_BASE + `ADDR_FMC_ADC_100MS_CSR_CTL, 'h00000001); // FSM sta
wait (acq_fsm_state == 1);
$display("<%t> END ACQ 1b/4", $realtime);
// TODO: check results (they are only displayed)`CSR_BASE + `ADDR_FMC_ADC_100MS_CSR_TRIG_POS, val);
$display("trig pos: %x", val);
acc.write(`VME_OFFSET + 16'h58, val);
for(i = 0; i < 8*2 + 4; i+=1) begin`VME_OFFSET + 16'h2000, val);
$display("%d: %08x", i, val);
acc.write(`CSR_BASE + `ADDR_FMC_ADC_100MS_CSR_SHOTS, 'h00000003); // #nshots: 3x multi-shot acq
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