Commit 93e20707 authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

fa-calibration.c: wait before reading the first temperature

parent 8fcb173a
......@@ -487,8 +487,13 @@ int fa_calib_init(struct fa_dev *fa)
fa_calib_write(fa, &calib);
/* Prepare the timely recalibration */
/* First calibration.
The board has just been reset by the carrier before calling this
driver and reading the temperature read needs at least 350ms */
/* Prepare the timely recalibration */
if (fa_calib_is_compensation_on(fa) && fa_calib_temp_period) {
setup_timer(&fa->calib_timer, fa_calib_gain_update, (unsigned long)fa);
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