Commit 54d4d7c9 authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

doc: remove obsolete document

Signed-off-by: Federico Vaga's avatarFederico Vaga <>
parent b28f2e0a
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 CERN (
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# Makefile for Latex work
TEXFILE = adc100m14b4cha.tex
DIAGRAM = block_diagram.dia
S_MACHINE = state_machine.dia
.PHONY: clean view
$(TEXFILE:.tex=.pdf): $(TEXFILE) $(DIAGRAM:.dia=.pdf) $(S_MACHINE:.dia=.pdf)
pdflatex $(TEXFILE)
# Not very nice hack to get references right
pdflatex $(TEXFILE)
$(DIAGRAM:.dia=.pdf): $(DIAGRAM:.dia=.eps)
epstopdf $(DIAGRAM:.dia=.eps)
$(DIAGRAM:.dia=.eps): $(DIAGRAM)
dia -e $(DIAGRAM:.dia=.eps) $(DIAGRAM)
$(S_MACHINE:.dia=.pdf): $(S_MACHINE:.dia=.eps)
epstopdf $(S_MACHINE:.dia=.eps)
$(S_MACHINE:.dia=.eps): $(S_MACHINE)
dia -e $(S_MACHINE:.dia=.eps) $(S_MACHINE)
view: $(TEXFILE:.tex=.pdf)
evince $(TEXFILE:.tex=.pdf)
@rm -f \
$(TEXFILE:.tex=.aux) \
$(TEXFILE:.tex=.log) \
$(TEXFILE:.tex=.out) \
$(TEXFILE:.tex=.toc) \
$(TEXFILE:.tex=.pdf) \
$(DIAGRAM:.dia=.pdf) \
$(DIAGRAM:.dia=.eps) \
$(S_MACHINE:.dia=.pdf) \
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
- Hardware external rising edge
- Hardware external falling edge
- Hardware internal positive slope
- Hardware internal negative slope
- Hardware internal positive slope, threshold range
- Hardware internal negative slope, threshold range
- Hardware internal on channel 1
- Hardware internal on channel 2
- Hardware internal on channel 3
- Hardware internal on channel 4
- Hardware enable
- Software
- Software enable
- Delay range
- Trigger alignment when decimation factor is > 1
- ADC offset correction
- ADC gain correction
- Decimation range
- Pre-trigger samples range
- Post-trigger samples range
- Total number of samples range (full memory, overlapping, etc...)
- Number of shots range
- Multi-shot mode, memory arrangement
- Multi-shot mode, number of samples range (up to max dpram size)
ADC core CSR:
* Acq and trig LEDs manual control bits => tested with production test03
- Test data (Write the address counter value instead of ADC data to DDR)
! Manual bitslip of adc data serdes => Cannot be tested as automatic bitslip is generated in hdl
- Offset DAC clear
- FMC clock enable
- FSM start command
- FSM stop command
- FSM unused commands (shouldn't do anything)
! FSM state => cannot test all states (e.g. DECR_SHOT lasts only 1 tick)
- SerDes PLL lock status (use FMC clock enable)
! SerDes sync status, must be 1 => cannot test more
* Trigger config, delay and software trigger registers => see Trigger chapter
* Number of shots => see Datapath chapter
* Trigger position => see Datapath chapter
* Decimation rate => see Datapath chapter
* Pre-trigger samples => see Datapath chapter
* Post-trigger samples => see Datapath chapter
- Samples counter
* Channel N control register (switches) => tested with production test08
- Channel N value register (use pattern from ADC)
* Channel N correction gain and offset registers => see Datapath chapter
- Interrupt mask
- DMA done interrupt
? DMA error interrupt => how to force a DMA error
- Trigger interrupt
- End of acquisition interrupt
- Multi-interrupt
- UTC set register
- Coarse set register
- Trigger tag
- Acquisition start tag
- Acquisition stop tag
- Acquisition end tag
Carrier CSR:
* Carrier type => tested in fmc_adc_spec access class
? Carrier PCB revision => how to automate this test?
! FMC mezzanine presence => cannot automated this test
! P2L PLL lock status, must be 1 => cannot test more
! SysClk PLL lock status, must be 1 => cannot test more
! DDR calibration done status, must be 1 => cannot test more
! SPEC LEDs => cannot automated this test
=> carrier specific firmaware parts will be hard to test...
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