Jun 7, 2021–Jun 19, 2021
AFC v4.0.2
Milestone ID: 31
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- LNLS logo not visible
- Pulldown on select pin of AMC JTAG mux (IC46)
- OSC2 and OSC4 misleading schematic
- Generate Table of Contents for PDF documentation files
- FIN1101 LVDS buffers raising input common voltage to 3V
- Connect JTAG pullups to P3V3
- DAC_VADJ_RSTn still connected to the LPC1768 GPIO
- Ground test points (TPD33, B6, B5) getting in the way of FMC modules
- Change of location LED3
- Leaving the USB cable connected prevents MMC from booting
- Rename MLVDS nets
- MMC JTAG/SWD cable can't be used when P3V3 is off and the AFC is inserted in the crate
- R260/R261 inconsistency
- SI549 - OE not connected to SI57X_SEC_OE.
- Add RC filter on INA inputs
- Should MMC TRSTn be connected to other TRSTn?