MMC JTAG/SWD cable can't be used when P3V3 is off and the AFC is inserted in the crate
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- Augusto Fraga Giachero changed milestone to %AFC v4.0
changed milestone to %AFC v4.0
- Augusto Fraga Giachero changed the description
changed the description
- Mikolaj Sowinski changed milestone to %AFC v4.0.2
changed milestone to %AFC v4.0.2
- Maintainer
@augustofg are you sure about this:
To fix it, the IC46 OE signal must be driven low when P3V3 is off
I think that when P3V3 is off T7 keeps OE low.
- Author Developer
My mistake, it should be held high when the MMC JTAG/SWD/ETM connector (J9) is connected if P3V3 is low. To make things clearer:
P3V3 J6 J9 OE Comments OFF X Disconnected Low MMC JTAG connected to AMC_* OFF X Connected High MMC JTAG connected to a debugger through J9 ON Disconnected X Low FPGA JTAG connected to AMC_* ON Connected X High FPGA JTAG connected to a interface through J6 Edit: swap J6 for J9
Edited by Augusto Fraga Giachero - Maintainer
This is preliminary proposition. I added T1, T2, D33, C595, R449. @augustofg what do you think abou it?
- Author Developer
It is not correct, when P3V3 is OFF and JTAG_MMC_presence is low T2 won't conduct, T7 will conduct and OE will be low (enabled).
- Augusto Fraga Giachero changed the description
changed the description
- Maintainer
Sorry, I haven't realized that when P3V3 is off it can't power transistor and PU. Anyway, by "X" in table you mean that JTAG cable is absent?
- Author Developer
Ok, this transistor logic is tricky to get right. By X I mean 'don't care'.
It would be a good idea to write a text note explaining the JTAG switching logic to avoid confusion when reading the schematic.
- Maintainer
In the table you posted before, first two rows are how it is now. And next two, are to implement. They are dependent from J9, but it seems that when you would like this:
it (OE) should be held high when the MMC JTAG/SWD/ETM connector (J9) is connected if P3V3 is low
then you have to plug in J6...I can try to make this logic but I'm not sure if it is what it should be.
Don't you want something like this?
P3V3 J6 J9 OE Comments OFF X Disconnected Low MMC JTAG connected to AMC_* OFF X Connected High MMC JTAG connected to a debugger through J9 ON Disconnected X Low FPGA JTAG connected to AMC_* ON Connected X High FPGA JTAG connected to a interface through J6 - Author Developer
You are right @Filip.Switakowski. I swapped J6 for J9.
- Maintainer
- Author Developer
It seems OK now.
- Filip Świtakowski mentioned in issue #188 (closed)
mentioned in issue #188 (closed)
- Filip Świtakowski closed