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This is a port of an older Linux ptpd to support White Rabbit extensions and run both in hosted and freestanding environment. In the future we plan to replace it with PPSI, which has a much better design, but ptp-noposix is currently working pretty well despite being difficult to maintain.
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Projects / ARRAY / ARRAY - Python Interface
MIT LicenseA system to characterise large area silicon pad sensors with several hundred channels. It consists of two PCBs. One is an active switching 512-to-1 matrix. The second one is a passive probe card to contact the sensor. Software.
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FPGA Firmware ( "Gateware" ) for AIDA-2020 TLU and AIDA mini-TLU
Uses "IPBus Build" ( ipbb )
Build instructions at Instructions here
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A software framework for Linux device drivers aimed at supporting controls and data acquisition hardware. ZIO supports sub-nanosecond timestamps, block-oriented input and output and transport of meta-data with the data samples. Users can change the buffer type and trigger type associated with a device at run time, and all of devices, triggers and buffers are easily implemented as add-on modules.
The PF_ZIO implementation, currently in beta status, implements a network interface to the ZIO transport, which allows each I/O channel to generate or receive network frames. Applications see the network of devices and can talk with several of them from the same socket. We support SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM and SOCK_RAW.
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A software suite written in Python to help with production tests of PCBs. AKA PTS.
%(red)This pts-base project is used to re-organise the current pts project In the future this project will replace the existing pts project.
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A collection of platform-independent cores such as memories, synchronizer circuits and Wishbone cores.
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Projects / AIDA-2020 TLU - Software
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
Compact Universal Timing Endpoint Based on White Rabbit with Xilinx Artix7. Follow-up of the CUTE-WR-DP. More info at the Wiki page
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Multi-channel Time Interval Counter and fine delay generator. Housed in a 19" module. Research project. More info at the Wiki page
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A cute-wr is a compact WR-node implementation with minimum components required. The initial design is derived from SPEC, but would work in an opposite manner as a FMC wr-nic, providing 2 DIO channels, external CLK input, EEPROM, JTAG, RS232, and expandable IOs through FMC connector. The gateware and software of cute-wr would also keep maximum compatibility with SPEC. Project is obsolete. See cute-wr-dp for a similar board.
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Programmable attenuator of RF signals with very high voltage range (50mV – 1000 V) for protecting digitizers against damage by high voltage signals. Four channels with SMA connectors; Three attenuation values: 0, -20, -40 dB; Bandwidth: DC – 2 GHz.
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A distributed oscilloscope based on the White Rabbit network. More info at the Wiki page
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Projects / VHDL macro libraries for Microsemi ProASIC3
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0This is a collection of simple macro implementations for Microsemi's ProASIC3 FPGAs to allow simulating post-synthesis designs using GHDL.
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A system to characterize large area silicon pad sensors with several hundred channels. This repository contains the microcontroller firmware.
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Projects / AIDA-2020 TLU - Gateware
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterFPGA Firmware ( "Gateware" ) for AIDA-2020 TLU and AIDA mini-TLU
Uses "IPBus Build" ( ipbb )
Build instructions at Instructions here
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A White Rabbit Timing Receiver in AMC (Advanced Mezzanine Card, AdvancedMC) format. More info at the Wiki page
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On the Open Hardware Repository you can find projects which use soft-cpu (e.g. mock-turtle, white-rabbit-core, wr-switch). This project offers a toolchain that you can use to compile your code for the soft-cpu target (only LM32 for the time being). The project provides only the necessary makefiles to build the toolchain, so it will be necessary to compile the toolchain.
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Projects / DCES-DTRHF-SER1CH-v1
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyData centre environmental sensor - Dust, Temperature, Relative Humidity, Fan - Serial 1 channel - version 1. An environmental sensor for Data Centers that continuously measures airborne particle density in high airflow as well as temperature and relative humidity. It can control its fan speed if needed (PWM controlled fans) and monitors FAN rotational speed (tachometer equipped fans) for precise airflow control and monitoring. It is close to maintenance free and can be integrated in compact enclosures (for example tape drive tray or even an ATX PSU case...). More info at the Wiki page