- Jan 24, 2023
Adam Wujek authored
Adam Wujek <dev_public@wujek.eu>
- Sep 05, 2021
Adam Wujek authored
Adam Wujek <dev_public@wujek.eu>
- Jul 05, 2021
Adam Wujek authored
This version already includes lldpd support sending LLDP frames over VLAN and other patches since 1.0.5 Signed-off-by:
Adam Wujek <dev_public@wujek.eu>
- Jan 14, 2021
Adam Wujek authored
Adam Wujek <dev_public@wujek.eu>
- Dec 21, 2020
Adam Wujek authored
After IP-MIB has been enabled, WRS was runnig out of memory after 1-2 months. SNMP was leaking about 10MB/month of memory. A leak was observed no matter if and which OIDs were queried. Signed-off-by:
Adam Wujek <dev_public@wujek.eu>
- Oct 22, 2020
Alessandro Rubini authored
Alessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
- Oct 07, 2020
Alessandro Rubini authored
This adds the git headers, so we can easily rebuild a buildroot-for-wrs tree to add more patches. This is how I do it now (where "wrs-build" and "wr-switch-sw" are at the same directory level. cd wrs-build mkdir tmp; cd tmp tar xf ../downloads/buildroot-2016.02.tar.bz2 cd buildroot-2016.02/ git init; git add .; git commit -m "buildroot-2016.02 as untarred" git am ../../../wr-switch-sw/patches/buildroot/00* mv .git ../../build/buildroot-2016.02/ cd ../../build/buildroot-2016.02 <work-here> Signed-off-by:
Alessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
- Aug 28, 2020
Michal Wasiak authored
RX LLDP frames worked without any change. Signed-off-by:
Michal Wasiak <michal.wasiak@gmail.com>
- Jul 06, 2020
Kinga Wujek authored
Kinga Wujek <dev_public@wujek.eu>
- May 20, 2020
NC: Add patches for 1GB NAND flash on SCB3.4.1. These patches are (tested) backwards compatible with the original SCB3.4.
- Jan 28, 2020
If you call lldpcli from a program, stdout will be fully buffered, and we won't get back the result of "show neighbors" (nor anything else). Expectedly, stderr messages are delivered immediately. You can verify this by running "cat | lldpcli", give comamnds and then exit with ctrl-D (EOF). Signed-off-by:
Alessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
- Jun 24, 2019
Uplift util-linux to a version 2.28.2 Signed-off-by:
Adam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
- Jun 07, 2019
Adam Wujek authored
When the passwd is called on a system with a date set to 1st Jan 1970, the change date is set to 0, which has a special meaning: "The value 0 has a special meaning, which is that the user should change her pasword the next time she will log in the system." Thanks to this patch, when the password is changed on 1st on Jun 1970 the change date is set to 1. Signed-off-by:
Adam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
- Jun 03, 2019
Adam Wujek authored
Adam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
Adam Wujek authored
Adam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
- Jan 29, 2019
Adam Wujek authored
This fixes builds e.g. on ubuntu 18.04 Signed-off-by:
Adam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
- Jul 18, 2018
in order to expose the lldp information using snmp, lldp must be compile with snmp support and started with the proper switch. Besides snmp needs the agentx MIB and configure the daemon to enable a mater agent. Signed-off-by:
C.Prados <c.prados@gsi.de>
The Link Layer Discovery Protocol, lldp, is a vendor-neutral link layer protocol in the Internet Protocol Suite used by network devices for advertising their identity and capabilities. Signed-off-by:
C.Prados <c.prados@gsi.de>
- Jan 17, 2017
Alessandro Rubini authored
Alessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
- Jan 12, 2017
Adam Wujek authored
Due to the fixed bug, at91bootstrap didn't work when compiled with the gcc (4.9.3) from the buildroot 2016.02. Patch 0011-lib-fix-warning-in-diag-printf.c.patch removes warning during compilation. Signed-off-by:
Adam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
- Dec 14, 2016
Adam Wujek authored
Fixed by uplift of a kernel from 3.16.37 to 3.16.38. Even it is a local privilege escalation bug, which does not impact us, it is worth to have it fixed. Signed-off-by:
Adam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
- Dec 01, 2016
Adam Wujek authored
Disable the Bad Block Table (BBT) because the BBT uses the 4 last PEBs of nand flash, which overwrites UBIFS. BBT was disabled in the old kernel. There is not so much performance penalty due to that (see the last sentence in the citation below). There is no impact on the reliability of a flash because this is just a table of bad blocks which is otherwise recreated in the ram at every boot. The MTD layer supplies upper layers (including UBI) with information about bad PEBs. It keeps so-called bad block table in RAM, which is usually 1 bit per PEB. When the driver initializes, it has to build this table by scanning whole flash media, which normally includes reading OOB area of 1st NAND page of each PEB. This takes time and may be improved by using on-flash BBT (bad block table). In this case the bad PEB map is stored on flash and MTD does not have to do any scanning. See the NAND_USE_FLASH_BBT constant in the Linux source codes. But note, bad PEB scanning is usually minor comparing to the UBI scan time, so on-flash BBT is not probably going to give much. (http://www.linux-mtd.infradead.org/faq/ubi.html#L_attach_faster ) Signed-off-by:
Adam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
Federico Vaga <federico.vaga@cern.ch>
Federico Vaga <federico.vaga@cern.ch>
Federico Vaga <federico.vaga@cern.ch>
Federico Vaga <federico.vaga@cern.ch>
- Sep 23, 2016
Adam Wujek authored
PHP code of the web interface was updating values of "upload_max_filesize" and "post_max_size" in the /etc/php.ini. Besides it is extremely bad idea to do that, such changes to take place require restart of lighttpd, which was never performed. Luckily after the update of /etc/php.ini it was also copied to flash at the location /usr/etc/php.ini. Because of this update via webinterface worked only when: --firmware.php was opened via web browser --restart of a switch was performed The fix contains a patch to set these values in the php.ini and remove the update of php.ini by php code. Set maximum upload limit size to 30M in php.ini. Signed-off-by:
Adam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
- Jul 07, 2016
Adam Wujek authored
When Barebox's menu is displayed, it erases all messages from the screen. Put some extra newlines to move out printed messages from the screen. These messages could be seen now in the terminal's history. Signed-off-by:
Adam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
Adam Wujek authored
Don't install lighttpd configs for WRS, we have our own. Signed-off-by:
Adam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
Adam Wujek authored
We don't want to enable IPv6 support in the busybox, since we don't support IPv6 on the switch. Add patch taken from the buildroots repo: 7a5be2a0 busybox: tweak IPv6/largefile handling Signed-off-by:
Adam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
Adam Wujek authored
Buildroot forces procps-ng to install binaries in the /bin insted of /usr/bin. As a side effect libprocps.pc was installed at /lib/pkgconfig instead of /usr/lib/pkgconfig. Which directory is not included into final image. Added patch taken from buildroot's repo: 0e07a5ede package/procps-ng: install libprocps.pc in staging/usr/lib/pkgconfig/ Signed-off-by:
Adam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
Adam Wujek authored
Fix the warning (for perl < 5.21.x) whihch becomes an error (for perl >= 5.21.x): defined(@array) is deprecated at kernel/timeconst.pl line 373. (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?) This error pops up on newer systems. It is not related with the change of the buildroot, but with the host version of perl. Signed-off-by:
Adam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
Adam Wujek authored
Remove binaries/usr/lib/libbfd-2.21.1.so and /usr/bin/nm from the repo. Instead use the compiled versions in buildroot. Patch the installation rule to install only "nm", when PACKAGE_BINUTILS_TARGET is not used(!). libbfd-2.21.1.so is installed by default by the installation rule of PACKAGE_BINUTILS. Binary nm was added in the commit: d2a486cc rootfs_override: add /usr/bin/nm and its libbfd Signed-off-by:
Adam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
Adam Wujek authored
Adam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
Adam Wujek authored
Adam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
- Feb 24, 2016
Adam Wujek authored
Add if-mib/ifXTable to the SNMPd. It adds 64bit (HC) counters to the ifTable. Signed-off-by:
Adam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
- Mar 11, 2015
Adam Wujek authored
Second test of $? value was not always result of command "tftp $eth0.ipaddr/wrboot wrboot", but sometimes result of first if statement (in case first tftp was successful). In other words, when there was file wrboot-$eth0.ethaddr on tftp server, script was still fetching and executing wrboot. Signed-off-by:
Adam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
- Dec 11, 2014
Adam Wujek authored
Adam Wujek <adam.wujek@cern.ch>
- Nov 28, 2014
Alessandro Rubini authored
This changes the kernel configuration, in two ways: 1- It uses CONFIG_NOHZ, which enables Hight Resolution Timers Unfortunately this has no effect, as the timeevent device for AT91 doesn't support oneshot mode. This means that if you usleep(100) you'll wait 10ms. Thus, we can't remove the busy-looping in libwr/util.c . This is the output of my libstamp sample program: 0.003 -- stamping overhead 12.243 -- usleep 1 usec 10.005 -- usleep 1 usec 9.963 -- usleep 2 usec 10.037 -- usleep 5 usec 10.083 -- usleep 10 usec 9.905 -- usleep 100 usec 10.394 -- usleep 1000 usec 19.775 -- usleep 10000 usec 109.925 -- usleep 100000 usec 2- It moves CONFIG_HZ from 100 to 1000. Thus, we have 1000 timer interrupts per second. This means, in practice, that if you usleep(100) you wait 1ms. This costs around 2% of CPU power (measured by running a cpu-busy program before and after the change, in both cases after killing...
Alessandro Rubini authored
This updates binaries/wrboot-* to be more commented and complete. It also adds wrboot-install and wrboot-nand, that I personally used. As a side effect, "mem=64m" is removed by all command lines, as it has been properly autodetected for a few years now, so it is not needed any more. Documentation is updated too. Signed-off-by:
Alessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>