Commit ca3fae43 authored by Peter Jansweijer's avatar Peter Jansweijer

Prepare for 100 MHz output

parent fdead304
Pipeline #3295 failed with stage
in 2 minutes and 7 seconds
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ vcom -explicit -93 -work work ../../wr-cores/modules/wr_streamers/wr_streamers_w
vcom -explicit -93 -work work ../../wr-cores/modules/wrc_core/wrc_diags_wb.vhd
vcom -explicit -93 -work work ../../wr-cores/modules/wrc_core/wrc_syscon_wb.vhd
vcom -explicit -93 -work work ../../board/even_odd_det.vhd
vcom -explicit -93 -work work ../../top/spec7_ref_design/gen_10mhz.vhd
vcom -explicit -93 -work work ../../top/spec7_ref_design/gen_x_mhz.vhd
vcom -explicit -93 -work work ../../wr-cores/ip_cores/general-cores/modules/common/gc_async_counter_diff.vhd
vcom -explicit -93 -work work ../../wr-cores/ip_cores/general-cores/modules/common/gc_pulse_synchronizer.vhd
vcom -explicit -93 -work work ../../wr-cores/ip_cores/general-cores/modules/common/gc_sync_word_wr.vhd
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
......@@ -47,16 +47,19 @@ library work;
use work.gencores_pkg.all;
use work.genram_pkg.all;
entity gen_10mhz is
entity gen_x_mhz is
generic (
g_divide : integer := 50
port (
clk_500m_i : in std_logic;
rst_n_i : in std_logic;
pps_i : in std_logic;
-- generated 10 MHz synced with PPS
clk_10mhz_o : out std_logic := '0');
end gen_10mhz;
clk_x_mhz_o : out std_logic := '0');
end gen_x_mhz;
architecture rtl of gen_10mhz is
architecture rtl of gen_x_mhz is
signal rst_n_synced : std_logic := '0';
signal pps_synced : std_logic := '0';
......@@ -75,24 +78,27 @@ begin -- rtl
end if;
end process;
pr_10mhz_gen : process (clk_500m_i, rst_n_synced)
variable cntr: integer range 0 to 99;
pr_x_mhz_gen : process (clk_500m_i, rst_n_synced)
variable cntr: integer range 0 to g_divide - 1;
begin -- process pr_10mhz_gen
if rst_n_synced = '0' then
cntr := 0;
elsif rising_edge(clk_500m_i) then
if ((pps_synced = '1' and pps_delayed = '0') or cntr = 49) then
if cntr < g_divide / 2 then
clk_x_mhz_o <= '1';
clk_x_mhz_o <= '0';
end if;
if ((pps_synced = '1' and pps_delayed = '0') or cntr = g_divide - 1) then
cntr := 0;
elsif cntr < 49 then
elsif cntr < g_divide - 1 then
cntr := cntr + 1;
end if;
if cntr < 25 then
clk_10mhz_o <= '1';
clk_10mhz_o <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process pr_10mhz_gen;
end process pr_x_mhz_gen;
end rtl;
......@@ -377,6 +377,7 @@ architecture top of spec7_wr_ref_top is
signal clk_ref_62m5 : std_logic;
signal clk_ref_div2 : std_logic;
signal clk_10m_out : std_logic;
signal clk_100m_out : std_logic;
signal clk_500m : std_logic;
signal clk_ext_10m : std_logic;
......@@ -427,14 +428,17 @@ architecture top of spec7_wr_ref_top is
end component pll_62m5_500m;
component gen_10mhz is
component gen_x_mhz is
generic (
g_divide : integer
port (
clk_500m_i : in std_logic;
rst_n_i : in std_logic;
pps_i : in std_logic;
clk_10mhz_o : out std_logic
clk_x_mhz_o : out std_logic
end component gen_10mhz;
end component gen_x_mhz;
begin -- architecture top
......@@ -700,10 +704,11 @@ end generate gen_irig_b;
end process;
-- 10MHz output generation
-- 10MHz / 100MHz output generation
-- A 500 MHz reference clock is necessary since 10 MHz = 50 ns '1', 50 ns '0'
-- and 50 ns is divisible by 2 ns (not by 8 or 4 ns!) hence 500 MHz.
-- A 500 MHz reference clock is necessary since:
-- 10 MHz = 50 ns '1', 50 ns '0' (25 ticks '1', 25 ticks '0', duty cycle 50%)
-- 100 MHz = 5 ns '1', 5 ns '0' (4 ticks '1' , 6 ticks '0', duty cycle 40%)
cmp_pll_62m5_500m: pll_62m5_500m
port map (
areset_n_i => rst_ref_62m5_n,
......@@ -712,12 +717,15 @@ end generate gen_irig_b;
pll_500m_locked_o => open
cmp_gen_10mhz: gen_10mhz
cmp_gen_10mhz: gen_x_mhz
generic map (
g_divide => 50
port map (
clk_500m_i => clk_500m,
rst_n_i => rst_ref_62m5_n,
pps_i => wrc_pps_out,
clk_10mhz_o => clk_10m_out
clk_x_mhz_o => clk_10m_out
cmp_obuf_be_10mhz_out : OBUFDS
......@@ -726,6 +734,18 @@ end generate gen_irig_b;
O => be_clk_10m_p_o,
OB => be_clk_10m_n_o);
cmp_gen_100mhz: gen_x_mhz
generic map (
g_divide => 5
port map (
clk_500m_i => clk_500m,
rst_n_i => rst_ref_62m5_n,
pps_i => wrc_pps_out,
clk_x_mhz_o => clk_100m_out
-- For the time being, 100 MHz is output is not used
-- LEDs
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