Commit b3af795e authored by Peter Jansweijer's avatar Peter Jansweijer

Choose REFerence of HPSEC design XDC file based in $spec7_design

parent 4d759f27
# From directory ../../wr-cores/syn/spec7_ref_design
# hdlmake list-files > proj_file_list.txt
# Note: for the REFerence and HPSEC design,
# the XDC file selection is done in sw/scripts/viv_do_all.tcl, based on $spec7_design
......@@ -106,6 +106,16 @@ foreach line $content {
if {[info exists spec7_design]} {
if {$spec7_design == "spec7_ref_top"} {
puts "use spec7_wr_ref_top.xdc"
read_xdc -verbose ../../wr-cores/top/spec7_ref_design/spec7_wr_ref_top.xdc
} elseif {$spec7_design == "spec7_hpsec_top"} {
puts "use spec7_wr_hpsec_top.xdc"
read_xdc -verbose ../../wr-cores/top/spec7_ref_design/spec7_wr_hpsec_top.xdc
# Set Top level
set_property top $proj_name [current_fileset]
set_property source_mgmt_mode All [current_project]
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