Commit 4ff1bbcb authored by Peter Jansweijer's avatar Peter Jansweijer

SHA codes in log file

parent 5467e441
......@@ -127,11 +127,24 @@ if {$use_bmm} {
#generate a new name for .bit and .mmi file and copy to project directory.
set syn_dir [pwd]
cd ../../wr-cores/ ; set branchname [exec git branch --show-current] ; cd $syn_dir
set bitfile_name ${proj_name}_[string range $device 3 6]_[clock format [clock seconds] -format %y%m%d_%H%M]_${branchname}
# Generate a new name for .bit and .mmi file and copy to project directory.
# Create a senible name including date and time
set bitfile_name ${proj_name}_[string range $device 3 6]_[clock format [clock seconds] -format %y%m%d_%H%M]
file copy ./work/${proj_name}.runs/impl_1/${proj_name}.bit ../${bitfile_name}.bit
file copy ./${proj_name}.mmi ../${bitfile_name}.mmi
set syn_dir [pwd]
# Get SHA codes for spec7, wr-cores and general-cores repositories
set spec7_sha [exec git rev-parse HEAD]
cd ../../wr-cores/ ; set wr_cores_sha [exec git rev-parse HEAD]
cd ip_cores/general-cores/ ; set general_cores_sha [exec git rev-parse HEAD]
cd $syn_dir
# write SHA codes in log a file
set git_log_fp [open ../${bitfile_name}.log w]
puts $git_log_fp "Build was based on the following SHA codes:"
puts $git_log_fp "spec7.git $spec7_sha"
puts $git_log_fp "wr-cores.git $wr_cores_sha"
puts $git_log_fp "general-cores.git $general_cores_sha"
close $git_log_fp
exec updatemem -meminfo ./${proj_name}.mmi -data ${lm32_wrpc_elf} -bit ./work/${proj_name}.runs/impl_1/${proj_name}.bit -proc ${lm32_wrpc_instpath} -out ../${bitfile_name}_elf.bit -force
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