Commit 0ff48eac authored by Peter Jansweijer's avatar Peter Jansweijer

updated precompiled spec7 elf files.

parent f31a10f9
wrpc-sw peter_spec7 SHA-1: ee45de9
wrpc-sw proposed_spec7 SHA-1: b9fd6cf
ppsi peter_direct_dmtd SHA bf5f6de
For External 10MHz (GrandMaster mode) modify wrc_main.c line 55:
int ext_10mhz = 0;
Default PPL_WR_MODE_SLAVE modify wrc_main.c line 56 => wrc.elf
int ext_10mhz = 1;
\ No newline at end of file
Uncomment 55 for PLL_WR_MODE_MASTER => wrc_pll_wr_mode_master.elf
Uncomment 57 for PLL_WR_MODE_GM => wrc_pll_wr_mode_gm.elf
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