1. 16 Oct, 2020 1 commit
  2. 14 Oct, 2020 1 commit
  3. 12 Oct, 2020 2 commits
    • Federico Vaga's avatar
      sw:drv: bugfix concurrent tasklet scheduling · 9295311d
      Federico Vaga authored
      One process was able to perform a complete DMA transfer, and
      communicate the success to the client. Then it would try to schedule
      the next pending transfer, **but** the client could be fast enough to
      submit a new request **before** the end of the IRQ handler.
      This leads to this status: gn412x_dma_schedule_next() is called twice,
      once from the IRQ handler, once from the client (issue_pending()). In
      both cases they will see a pending transfer, and they will schedule
      gn412x_dma_start_task() twice. One will successfully start a new DMA
      transfer, the other one will fail printing an error.
               python3-19944 [002] ....... 15660.640429: spec_fpga_dbg_dma_write <-vfs_write
               python3-19944 [002] ....... 15660.640898: gn412x_dma_issue_pending <-spec_fpga_dbg_dma_transfer
               python3-19944 [002] ....... 15660.640898: gn412x_dma_schedule_next <-gn412x_dma_issue_pending
           ksoftirqd/2-31    [002] .....11 15660.640902: gn412x_dma_start_task <-__tasklet_action.isra.11
       irq/17-gn412x-g-5469  [000] ....... 15660.651980: gn412x_dma_irq_handler <-handle_nested_irq
               python3-19944 [002] ....... 15660.652086: spec_fpga_dbg_dma_read <-vfs_read
               python3-19944 [002] ....... 15660.652087: gn412x_dma_issue_pending <-spec_fpga_dbg_dma_transfer
               python3-19944 [002] ....... 15660.652087: gn412x_dma_schedule_next <-gn412x_dma_issue_pending
       irq/17-gn412x-g-5469  [000] ....... 15660.652089: gn412x_dma_schedule_next <-gn412x_dma_irq_handler
           ksoftirqd/2-31    [002] .....11 15660.652089: gn412x_dma_start_task <-__tasklet_action.isra.11
           ksoftirqd/2-31    [002] .....11 15660.652093: gn412x_dma_start_task <-__tasklet_action.isra.11
           ksoftirqd/2-31    [002] .....11 15660.652098: dev_err <-gn412x_dma_start_task
       irq/17-gn412x-g-5469  [000] ....... 15660.661041: gn412x_dma_irq_handler <-handle_nested_irq
       irq/17-gn412x-g-5469  [000] ....... 15660.661044: gn412x_dma_schedule_next <-gn412x_dma_irq_handler
      [15660.652101] spec_gn412x_dma spec-gn412x-dma.3.auto: Failed to start DMA transfer: channel busy
      Signed-off-by: Federico Vaga's avatarFederico Vaga <federico.vaga@cern.ch>
      Signed-off-by: Tristan Gingold's avatarTristan Gingold <tristan.gingold@cern.ch>
    • Federico Vaga's avatar
      sw:drv: bugfix report ABORT|ERROR state · fc859af6
      Federico Vaga authored
      when checking for ERROR or ABORT what the code was doing was:
        (ERROR || ABORT)
      Fix it by applying the mask properly and compere the state value
      Signed-off-by: Federico Vaga's avatarFederico Vaga <federico.vaga@cern.ch>
      Reported-by: Tristan Gingold's avatarTristan Gingold <tristan.gingold@cern.ch>
  4. 02 Oct, 2020 7 commits
  5. 30 Sep, 2020 1 commit
  6. 29 Sep, 2020 7 commits
  7. 20 Aug, 2020 4 commits
  8. 30 Jul, 2020 7 commits
  9. 28 Jul, 2020 9 commits
  10. 27 Jul, 2020 1 commit