Commit ca04bc26 authored by Christos Gentsos's avatar Christos Gentsos

Added two more gates to the A3P macro library

parent cdea6aad
-- proasic3/gate_XAI1.vhdl
-- created mer. oct. 17 04:16:21 CEST 2018 by Yann Guidon (
-- Released under the GNU AGPLv3 license (see the license/ directory)
-- Just a little replacement for the Actel ProASIC3 gates/macros library
-- to help simulate optimised source code.
Library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
Library delay;
use delay.generic_delay.all;
entity XAI1 is
port( A, B, C : in std_logic;
Y : out std_logic );
end XAI1;
architecture rtl of XAI1 is
Y <= not ((A xor B) and C) after gate_delay;
end rtl;
-- proasic3/gate_XAI1A.vhdl
-- created mer. oct. 17 04:16:21 CEST 2018 by Yann Guidon (
-- Released under the GNU AGPLv3 license (see the license/ directory)
-- Just a little replacement for the Actel ProASIC3 gates/macros library
-- to help simulate optimised source code.
Library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
Library delay;
use delay.generic_delay.all;
entity XAI1A is
port( A, B, C : in std_logic;
Y : out std_logic );
end XAI1A;
architecture rtl of XAI1A is
Y <= not ((not (A xor B)) and C) after gate_delay;
end rtl;
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