Commit 27be18a6 authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold minor rewrite.

parent e4a947fd
...@@ -142,20 +142,12 @@ fuse: ...@@ -142,20 +142,12 @@ fuse:
# ISim does not have a vmap command to insert additional libraries in # ISim does not have a vmap command to insert additional libraries in
#.ini file. #.ini file.
for lib in libs: for lib in libs:
self.write(lib + shell.makefile_slash_char() + "." + lib + ":\n") libfile = lib + shell.makefile_slash_char() + "." + lib
self.write( self.write("{}:\n".format(libfile))
' '.join(["\t(" + shell.mkdir_command(), lib, "&&", self.write("\t({mkdir} {lib} && {touch} {libfile}".format(
shell.touch_command(), lib=lib, libfile=libfile, mkdir=shell.mkdir_command(), touch=shell.touch_command()))
lib + shell.makefile_slash_char() + "." + lib + " "])) self.write(" && echo {lib}={lib} >> xilinxsim.ini) ".format(lib=lib))
# self.write(' '.join(["&&", "echo", "\""+lib+"="+lib+"/."+lib+"\" self.write("|| {rm} {lib} \n".format(lib=lib, rm=shell.del_command()))
# ", ">>", "xilinxsim.ini) "]))
' '.join(["&&",
lib + "=" + lib,
" >>",
"xilinxsim.ini) "]))
self.write(' '.join(["||", shell.del_command(), lib, "\n"]))
self.write('\n') self.write('\n')
# Modify xilinxsim.ini file by including the extra local libraries # Modify xilinxsim.ini file by including the extra local libraries
# self.write(' '.join(["\t(echo """, lib+"="+lib+"/."+lib, ">>", # self.write(' '.join(["\t(echo """, lib+"="+lib+"/."+lib, ">>",
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