Commit fd964ff1 authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

hdl: simplify l2p_dma_master fifo reset logic

parent b60a5cf2
......@@ -147,9 +147,6 @@ architecture arch of l2p_dma_master is
signal data_fifo_full_next : std_logic;
signal data_fifo_rst_wr_n : std_logic;
signal data_fifo_rst_rd_n : std_logic;
signal fsm_fifo_rst_sync_n : std_logic;
signal rst_sync_n : std_logic;
signal wb_dma_rst_sync_n : std_logic;
......@@ -486,29 +483,19 @@ begin
-- Flow Control FIFO (cross-clock domain)
cmp_wb_dma_rst_n_sync : gc_sync
cmp_data_fifo_rst_rd_n_sync : gc_sync
port map (
clk_i => clk_i,
rst_n_a_i => '1',
rst_n_a_i => fsm_fifo_rst_n,
d_i => wb_dma_rst_n_i,
q_o => wb_dma_rst_sync_n);
q_o => data_fifo_rst_rd_n);
cmp_fsm_fifo_rst_n_sync : gc_sync
cmp_data_fifo_rst_wr_n_sync : gc_sync
port map (
clk_i => wb_dma_clk_i,
rst_n_a_i => '1',
rst_n_a_i => wb_dma_rst_n_i,
d_i => fsm_fifo_rst_n,
q_o => fsm_fifo_rst_sync_n);
cmp_rst_n_sync : gc_sync
port map (
clk_i => wb_dma_clk_i,
rst_n_a_i => '1',
d_i => rst_n_i,
q_o => rst_sync_n);
data_fifo_rst_wr_n <= wb_dma_rst_n_i and fsm_fifo_rst_sync_n and rst_sync_n;
data_fifo_rst_rd_n <= wb_dma_rst_sync_n and fsm_fifo_rst_n and rst_n_i;
q_o => data_fifo_rst_wr_n);
p_fifo_full_delay_reg : process (wb_dma_clk_i) is
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