Commit 83907a7c authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

sim: removed duplicate Wishbone definitions header

parent f70d37be
// Title : Software Wishbone master unit for testbenches
// File : wishbone_master_tb.v
// Author : Tomasz Wlostowski <>
// Created : Tue Mar 23 12:19:36 2010
// Standard : Verilog 2001
`ifndef __IF_WB_DEFS_SVH
`define __IF_WB_DEFS_SVH
`include "gencores_sim_defs.svh"
typedef enum
R_OK = 0,
} wb_cycle_result_t;
typedef enum
} wb_cycle_type_t;
typedef struct {
uint64_t a;
uint64_t d;
bit[7:0] sel;
int size;
} wb_xfer_t;
typedef struct {
int rw;
wb_cycle_type_t ctype;
wb_xfer_t data[$];
wb_cycle_result_t result;
} wb_cycle_t;
virtual class CWishboneAccessor;
virtual function automatic int poll();
return 0;
endfunction // poll
virtual task get(output wb_cycle_t xfer);
endtask // get
virtual task put(input wb_cycle_t xfer);
endtask // put
virtual function int idle();
return 0;
endfunction // idle
virtual task clear(); endtask
endclass // CWishboneAccessor
int seed = 0;
function automatic int probability_hit(real prob);
real rand_val;
rand_val = real'($dist_uniform(seed, 0, 1000)) / 1000.0;
if(rand_val < prob)
return 1;
return 0;
endfunction // probability_hit
`endif // `ifndef __IF_WB_DEFS_SV
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