Commit 568f79d4 authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

wb_uart: fixed broken VUART functionality with FIFOs enabled

parent 3d2d1220
......@@ -240,9 +240,8 @@ begin -- arch
gen_phys_fifos : if g_WITH_PHYSICAL_UART_FIFO generate
rx_fifo_wr <= not rx_fifo_full and phys_rx_ready;
tx_fifo_wr <= not tx_fifo_full and ( regs_out.tdr_tx_data_wr_o or
( f_to_sl(g_WITH_VIRTUAL_UART) and regs_out.host_tdr_data_wr_o ) );
rx_fifo_wr <= not rx_fifo_full and (phys_rx_ready or ( f_to_sl(g_WITH_VIRTUAL_UART) and regs_out.host_tdr_data_wr_o ) );
tx_fifo_wr <= not tx_fifo_full and regs_out.tdr_tx_data_wr_o;
tx_fifo_reset_n <= rst_n_i and not regs_out.cr_tx_fifo_purge_o;
rx_fifo_reset_n <= rst_n_i and not regs_out.cr_rx_fifo_purge_o;
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