Commit 47861ac6 authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

tools/sdb_desc_gen.tcl: try to figure out remote url when remote name is not "origin"

parent d26be4fe
......@@ -120,8 +120,17 @@ if { [catch { set inf_user [exec git config --get] }] } {
if { [catch { set inf_commit_id [exec git log -1 --format=%H] }] } {
set inf_commit_id "unknown commit"
if { [catch { set inf_repo_url [exec git config --get remote.origin.url] }] } {
set inf_repo_url "unknown url"
if { [catch { set branch_name [exec git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD] }] } {
set branch_name "unknown branch"
if { [catch { set remote_name [exec git config --get branch.$branch_name.remote] }] } {
set remote_name "unknown remote"
if { [catch { set inf_repo_url [exec git config --get remote.$remote_name.url] }] } {
set inf_repo_url "unknown url (possibly built from a local commit/branch)"
if { [catch { set dirty_repo [exec git describe --all --dirty | grep -c dirty] }] } {
set dirty_repo "0"
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