Commit 1022186a authored by Wesley W. Terpstra's avatar Wesley W. Terpstra

Include a demonstration Wishbone system, for quick-starting new developers.

parent 2cfc0bb4
target = "altera"
action = "synthesis"
#syn_device = "xc6slx45t"
#syn_grade = "-3"
#syn_package = "fgg484"
syn_top = "wishbone_demo"
syn_project = "wishbone_demo.qpf"
modules = {
"local" : [ "../../../top/gsi_pexaria2a/wishbone_demo" ]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (C) 1991-2011 Altera Corporation
# Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
# and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
# functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
# (including device programming or simulation files), and any
# associated documentation or information are expressly subject
# to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
# Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
# Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
# without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
# programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
# Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the
# applicable agreement for further details.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Quartus II 32-bit
# Version 11.1 Build 216 11/23/2011 Service Pack 1 SJ Full Version
# Date created = 12:33:22 May 18, 2012
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
DATE = "12:33:22 May 18, 2012"
# Revisions
PROJECT_REVISION = "wishbone_demo"
This diff is collapsed.
files = ["wishbone_demo_top.vhd", "sys_pll.vhd"]
modules = {
"local" : ["../../../" ]
This diff is collapsed.
create_clock -period 100Mhz -name pcie_refclk_i [get_ports {pcie_refclk_i}]
create_clock -period 125Mhz -name clk125_i [get_ports {clk125_i}]
set_false_path -from {*|gc_wfifo:*|r_idx_gray*} -to {*|gc_wfifo:*|r_idx_shift_w*}
set_false_path -from {*|gc_wfifo:*|r_idx_gray*} -to {*|gc_wfifo:*|r_idx_shift_a*}
set_false_path -from {*|gc_wfifo:*|w_idx_gray*} -to {*|gc_wfifo:*|w_idx_shift_r*}
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
library work;
use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
use work.pcie_wb_pkg.all;
entity wishbone_demo_top is
-- Clocking pins
clk125_i : in std_logic;
-- PCI express pins
pcie_refclk_i : in std_logic;
pcie_rstn_i : in std_logic;
pcie_rx_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
pcie_tx_o : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-- User LEDs
leds_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end wishbone_demo_top;
architecture rtl of wishbone_demo_top is
component sys_pll -- Altera megafunction
inclk0 : in std_logic;
areset : in std_logic;
c0 : out std_logic;
c1 : out std_logic;
locked : out std_logic);
end component;
constant c_xwb_gpio32_sdb : t_sdb_device := (
abi_class => x"0000", -- undocumented device
abi_ver_major => x"01",
abi_ver_minor => x"00",
wbd_endian => c_sdb_endian_big,
wbd_width => x"7", -- 8/16/32-bit port granularity
sdb_component => (
addr_first => x"0000000000000000",
addr_last => x"0000000000000003", -- Only 4 bytes large
product => (
vendor_id => x"0000000000000651", -- GSI
device_id => x"35aa6b95",
version => x"00000001",
date => x"20120305",
name => "GSI_GPIO_32 ")));
-- Top crossbar layout
constant c_slaves : natural := 3;
constant c_masters : natural := 5;
constant c_dpram_size : natural := 16384; -- in 32-bit words (64KB)
constant c_layout : t_sdb_record_array(c_slaves-1 downto 0) :=
(0 => f_sdb_embed_device(f_xwb_dpram(c_dpram_size), x"00000000"),
1 => f_sdb_embed_device(c_xwb_gpio32_sdb, x"00100400"),
2 => f_sdb_embed_device(c_xwb_dma_sdb, x"00100500"));
constant c_sdb_address : t_wishbone_address := x"00100000";
signal cbar_slave_i : t_wishbone_slave_in_array (c_masters-1 downto 0);
signal cbar_slave_o : t_wishbone_slave_out_array(c_masters-1 downto 0);
signal cbar_master_i : t_wishbone_master_in_array(c_slaves-1 downto 0);
signal cbar_master_o : t_wishbone_master_out_array(c_slaves-1 downto 0);
signal clk_sys, clk_cal, rstn, locked : std_logic;
signal lm32_interrupt : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal gpio_slave_o : t_wishbone_slave_out;
signal gpio_slave_i : t_wishbone_slave_in;
signal r_leds : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- Obtain core clocking
sys_pll_inst : sys_pll -- Altera megafunction
port map (
inclk0 => clk125_i, -- 125Mhz oscillator from board
areset => '0',
c0 => clk_sys, -- 126MHz system clk (cannot use external pin as clock for RAM blocks)
c1 => clk_cal, -- 50Mhz calibration clock for Altera reconfig cores
locked => locked); -- '1' when the PLL has locked
-- Hold the entire WB bus reset until the PLL has locked
rstn <= locked;
-- The top-most Wishbone B.4 crossbar
interconnect : xwb_sdb_crossbar
generic map(
g_num_masters => c_masters,
g_num_slaves => c_slaves,
g_registered => true,
g_wraparound => false, -- Should be true for nested buses
g_layout => c_layout,
g_sdb_addr => c_sdb_address)
port map(
clk_sys_i => clk_sys,
rst_n_i => rstn,
-- Master connections (INTERCON is a slave)
slave_i => cbar_slave_i,
slave_o => cbar_slave_o,
-- Slave connections (INTERCON is a master)
master_i => cbar_master_i,
master_o => cbar_master_o);
-- Master 0 is the PCIe bridge
PCIe : pcie_wb
generic map(
sdb_addr => c_sdb_address)
port map(
clk125_i => clk_sys, -- Free running clock
cal_clk50_i => clk_cal, -- Transceiver global calibration clock
rstn_i => rstn, -- Reset for the PCIe decoder logic
pcie_refclk_i => pcie_refclk_i, -- External PCIe 100MHz bus clock
pcie_rstn_i => pcie_rstn_i, -- External PCIe system reset pin
pcie_rx_i => pcie_rx_i,
pcie_tx_o => pcie_tx_o,
wb_clk => clk_sys, -- Desired clock for the WB bus
master_o => cbar_slave_i(0),
master_i => cbar_slave_o(0));
-- The LM32 is master 1+2
LM32 : xwb_lm32
generic map(
g_profile => "medium_icache_debug") -- Including JTAG and I-cache (no divide)
port map(
clk_sys_i => clk_sys,
rst_n_i => rstn,
irq_i => lm32_interrupt,
dwb_o => cbar_slave_i(1), -- Data bus
dwb_i => cbar_slave_o(1),
iwb_o => cbar_slave_i(2), -- Instruction bus
iwb_i => cbar_slave_o(2));
-- The other 31 interrupt pins are unconnected
lm32_interrupt(31 downto 1) <= (others => '0');
-- A DMA controller is master 3+4, slave 2, and interrupt 0
dma : xwb_dma
port map(
clk_i => clk_sys,
rst_n_i => rstn,
slave_i => cbar_master_o(2),
slave_o => cbar_master_i(2),
r_master_i => cbar_slave_o(3),
r_master_o => cbar_slave_i(3),
w_master_i => cbar_slave_o(4),
w_master_o => cbar_slave_i(4),
interrupt_o => lm32_interrupt(0));
-- Slave 0 is the RAM
ram : xwb_dpram
generic map(
g_size => c_dpram_size,
g_slave1_interface_mode => PIPELINED, -- Why isn't this the default?!
g_slave2_interface_mode => PIPELINED,
g_slave1_granularity => BYTE,
g_slave2_granularity => WORD)
port map(
clk_sys_i => clk_sys,
rst_n_i => rstn,
-- First port connected to the crossbar
slave1_i => cbar_master_o(0),
slave1_o => cbar_master_i(0),
-- Second port disconnected
slave2_i => cc_dummy_slave_in, -- CYC always low
slave2_o => open);
-- Slave 1 is the example LED driver
gpio_slave_i <= cbar_master_o(1);
cbar_master_i(1) <= gpio_slave_o;
leds_o <= not r_leds;
-- There is a tool called 'wbgen2' which can autogenerate a Wishbone
-- interface and C header file, but this is a simple example.
gpio : process(clk_sys)
if rising_edge(clk_sys) then
-- It is vitally important that for each occurance of
-- (cyc and stb and not stall) there is (ack or rty or err)
-- sometime later on the bus.
-- This is an easy solution for a device that never stalls:
gpio_slave_o.ack <= gpio_slave_i.cyc and gpio_slave_i.stb;
-- Detect a write to the register byte
if gpio_slave_i.cyc = '1' and gpio_slave_i.stb = '1' and
gpio_slave_i.we = '1' and gpio_slave_i.sel(0) = '1' then
r_leds <= gpio_slave_i.dat(7 downto 0);
end if;
end if;
end process; <= '0'; -- In my opinion, this should not be in the structure,
-- but it is in there. Bother Thomasz to remove it.
gpio_slave_o.err <= '0';
gpio_slave_o.rty <= '0';
gpio_slave_o.stall <= '0'; -- This simple example is always ready
-- This example only ever outputs one data result
gpio_slave_o.dat(31 downto 8) <= (others => '0');
gpio_slave_o.dat(7 downto 0) <= r_leds;
end rtl;
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