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Commit c32823a1 authored by Wesley W. Terpstra's avatar Wesley W. Terpstra
Browse files

pcie: Fix buffering bugs

  * Only allocate FIFO space when a new operation is issued
  * Remove watchdog timeout which can violate WB signalling
parent 435046c2
No related merge requests found
......@@ -550,7 +550,6 @@ begin
if (tx_wb_stb_i and tx_eop_i) = '1' then
tx_idxe <= tx_idxw_p1;
tx_idxa <= tx_idxw_p1; -- clear over-allocation (!!! should not be needed in future)
end if;
if tx_alloc_i = '1' then
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ entity pcie_tlp is
end pcie_tlp;
architecture rtl of pcie_tlp is
type rx_state_type is (get_h0, get_h1, get_h2, get_h3, skip_pad, drop_payload, write_stall, write_first, write_middle, write_last, read_stall, read_first, read_middle, read_last, skip_tail);
type rx_state_type is (get_h0, get_h1, get_h2, get_h3, skip_pad, drop_payload, write_stall, write_first, write_middle, write_last, read_stall, read_first, read_txstall, read_middle, read_last, skip_tail);
type tx_state_type is (put_h0, put_h1, put_h2, put_pad, flight_stall, ack_wait, put_tail);
type tlp_type is (memory_read, memory_write, completion, ignored);
......@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ architecture rtl of pcie_tlp is
signal s_tlp_locked : std_logic;
signal s_length_m1 : unsigned(9 downto 0);
signal s_address_p4 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal s_watchdog_rst : boolean;
signal s_first_be, s_last_be : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
......@@ -83,7 +82,6 @@ architecture rtl of pcie_tlp is
signal r_tx_wb_stb, r_tx_alloc, r_rx_alloc : std_logic;
signal r_pending_ack : unsigned(9 downto 0);
signal r_watchdog : unsigned(7 downto 0);
rx_wb_stall_o <= r_always_stall or (not r_never_stall and wb_stall_i);
wb_stb <= r_always_stb or (not r_never_stb and rx_wb_stb_i);
......@@ -136,17 +134,16 @@ begin
s_length_eq2 <= r_length = 2;
s_no_flight <= r_flight_count = 0;
s_watchdog_rst <= r_watchdog = x"ff"; -- set to false on a debugged bus
s_address_p4 <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(r_address) + to_unsigned(4, 16));
rx_state_machine : process(clk_i) is
variable next_state : rx_state_type;
variable tx_next_read : std_logic;
variable action : rx_state_type;
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if rstn_i = '0' or s_watchdog_rst then
if rstn_i = '0' then
rx_state <= get_h0;
r_watchdog <= (others => '0');
----------------- Pre-transition actions --------------------
......@@ -167,15 +164,12 @@ begin
----------------- Transition rules --------------------
next_state := rx_state;
r_rx_alloc <= '0';
-- What sort of action is this?
case s_tlp_type is
when memory_read =>
if tx_state = ack_wait then
action := read_first;
action := read_stall;
end if;
action := read_stall;
when memory_write =>
if rx_bar_i = r_bar or s_no_flight then
action := write_first;
......@@ -194,21 +188,17 @@ begin
end if;
end case;
r_watchdog <= r_watchdog + 1;
case rx_state is
when get_h0 =>
r_watchdog <= (others => '0');
if rx_wb_stb_i = '1' then
next_state := get_h1;
end if;
when get_h1 =>
if rx_wb_stb_i = '1' then
r_watchdog <= (others => '0');
next_state := get_h2;
end if;
when get_h2 =>
if rx_wb_stb_i = '1' then
r_watchdog <= (others => '0');
if s_has_4fields then
next_state := get_h3;
......@@ -221,7 +211,6 @@ begin
end if;
when get_h3 =>
if rx_wb_stb_i = '1' then
r_watchdog <= (others => '0');
if s_has_pad then
next_state := skip_pad;
......@@ -231,12 +220,10 @@ begin
end if;
when skip_pad =>
if rx_wb_stb_i = '1' then
r_watchdog <= (others => '0');
next_state := action;
end if;
when drop_payload =>
if rx_wb_stb_i = '1' then
r_watchdog <= (others => '0');
if s_length_eq1 then
if s_has_tail then
next_state := skip_tail;
......@@ -248,12 +235,10 @@ begin
end if;
when write_stall =>
if s_no_flight then
r_watchdog <= (others => '0');
next_state := write_first;
end if;
when write_first =>
if (rx_wb_stb_i and not wb_stall_i) = '1' then
r_watchdog <= (others => '0');
if s_length_eq1 then
if s_has_tail then
next_state := skip_tail;
......@@ -270,7 +255,6 @@ begin
end if;
when write_middle =>
if (rx_wb_stb_i and not wb_stall_i) = '1' then
r_watchdog <= (others => '0');
if s_length_eq2 then
next_state := write_last;
end if;
......@@ -279,7 +263,6 @@ begin
end if;
when write_last =>
if (rx_wb_stb_i and not wb_stall_i) = '1' then
r_watchdog <= (others => '0');
if s_has_tail then
next_state := skip_tail;
......@@ -287,13 +270,34 @@ begin
end if;
end if;
when read_stall =>
if tx_state = ack_wait then
r_watchdog <= (others => '0');
if tx_state = ack_wait and tx_rdy_i = '1' then
r_rx_alloc <= '1';
next_state := read_first;
end if;
when read_first =>
if (not wb_stall_i) = '1' then
r_watchdog <= (others => '0');
when read_first | read_middle | read_last =>
if wb_stall_i = '0' then
if tx_rdy_i = '0' then
next_state := read_txstall;
if s_length_eq1 then
if s_has_tail then
next_state := skip_tail;
next_state := get_h0;
end if;
elsif s_length_eq2 then
r_rx_alloc <= '1';
next_state := read_last;
r_rx_alloc <= '1';
next_state := read_middle;
end if;
r_length <= s_length_m1;
r_address <= s_address_p4;
end if;
end if;
when read_txstall =>
if tx_rdy_i = '1' then
if s_length_eq1 then
if s_has_tail then
next_state := skip_tail;
......@@ -301,31 +305,15 @@ begin
next_state := get_h0;
end if;
elsif s_length_eq2 then
r_rx_alloc <= '1';
next_state := read_last;
r_rx_alloc <= '1';
next_state := read_middle;
end if;
r_length <= s_length_m1;
r_address <= s_address_p4;
end if;
when read_middle =>
if (not wb_stall_i) = '1' then
r_watchdog <= (others => '0');
if s_length_eq2 then
next_state := read_last;
end if;
r_length <= s_length_m1;
r_address <= s_address_p4;
end if;
when read_last =>
if (not wb_stall_i) = '1' then
r_watchdog <= (others => '0');
if s_has_tail then
next_state := skip_tail;
next_state := get_h0;
end if;
end if;
when skip_tail =>
if rx_wb_stb_i = '1' then
next_state := get_h0;
......@@ -339,7 +327,6 @@ begin
r_never_stall <= '1' ;
r_always_stb <= '0';
r_never_stb <= '1';
r_rx_alloc <= '0';
rx_state <= next_state;
case next_state is
......@@ -372,20 +359,19 @@ begin
when read_first =>
r_bar <= rx_bar_i;
r_always_stall <= '1';
r_always_stb <= tx_rdy_i;
r_rx_alloc <= tx_rdy_i; -- !!! bug, wastes buffer
r_always_stb <= '1';
wb_sel_o <= s_first_be;
wb_we_o <= '0';
when read_txstall =>
r_always_stall <= '1';
when read_middle =>
r_always_stall <= '1';
r_always_stb <= tx_rdy_i;
r_rx_alloc <= tx_rdy_i;
r_always_stb <= '1';
wb_sel_o <= x"f";
wb_we_o <= '0';
when read_last =>
r_always_stall <= '1';
r_always_stb <= tx_rdy_i;
r_rx_alloc <= tx_rdy_i;
r_always_stb <= '1';
wb_sel_o <= s_last_be;
wb_we_o <= '0';
when skip_tail => null;
......@@ -441,7 +427,7 @@ begin
variable next_state : tx_state_type;
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if rstn_i = '0' or s_watchdog_rst then
if rstn_i = '0' then
tx_state <= put_h0;
r_tx_wb_stb <= '0';
r_tx_alloc <= '0';
......@@ -508,7 +494,7 @@ begin
tx_wb_dat_o <= "0100101" & s_tlp_locked -- Completion (Locked) with data
& "0" & s_tlp_typecode & "0" & s_tlp_attr(2 downto 2) & "00"
& "00" & s_tlp_attr(1 downto 0) & "00" & s_tlp_length;
if s_tlp_type = memory_read and rx_state /= get_h0 and tx_rdy_i = '1' then
if s_tlp_type = memory_read and rx_state = read_stall and tx_rdy_i = '1' then
r_tx_alloc <= '1';
r_tx_wb_stb <= '1';
end if;
......@@ -557,7 +543,7 @@ begin
flight_counter : process(clk_i)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if rstn_i = '0' or s_watchdog_rst then
if rstn_i = '0' then
r_flight_count <= (others => '0');
if (wb_ack_i or wb_err_i or wb_rty_i) = '1' then
0% or .
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