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Commit a50772ea authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis
Browse files

tools: introduce python tool for generating memory init files

parent 758f4a19
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#!/usr/bin/env python
## General Cores
## Python script to generate an init file for block rams. Input file should be
## raw binary, such as the one generated by GNU binutils "objcopy -O binary".
## Loosely based on the various init generation tools found in wrpc-sw.
## Usage:
## python -of output_format input_file > output_file
## Supported output formats:
## bram: custom ascii-encoded binary, one 32-bit value per line, for Xilinx,
## to be used with the functions in the memory_loader_pkg
## mif : Altera Memory Initialization File
## vhd : constant VHDL array of type t_meminit_array, as defined in genram_pkg.
## Copyright CERN 2018
## This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
## version 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
## obtain one at
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import binascii
import datetime
today =
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser (
description='script to generate an init file for block rams' )
parser.add_argument ( 'in_file' )
parser.add_argument ( '-i', '--invert', action='store_true', dest='invert',
help = 'Invert endianess of input file' )
parser.add_argument ( '-of', '--oformat', choices = ['BRAM', 'MIF', 'VHD'], type = str.upper,
required = False, dest='oformat', default = 'BRAM',
help = 'output format (default is BRAM)' )
parser.add_argument ( '-d', '--depth', type = int, default = 0,
required = False, dest='depth',
help = 'depth of memory in bytes (default is equal to the '
'size of the input file)' )
parser.add_argument ( '-w', '--width', type = int,
required = False, dest='width', default = 4,
help = 'width of memory in bytes (default is 4)' )
parser.add_argument ( '-p', '--pad', type = int,
required = False, dest='pad', default = 0,
help = 'byte padding value to use if size argument is larger '
'than input file size (default is 0, max is 255)' )
parser.add_argument ( '-n', '--name', type = str.lower,
required = False, dest='name', default = 'mem_init',
help = 'name to use for this block (default is "mem_init")' )
args = parser.parse_args ( )
# check for proper padding value
if args.pad not in range ( 0, 256 ):
parser.error ( 'Padding value must be between 0 and 255' )
# read binary file
with open ( args.in_file, 'rb' ) as fin:
contents = ( )
# byte value to use for padding
pad_val = chr ( args.pad & 0xff )
# pad/trim if necessary to get to args.depth
if args.depth:
byte_count = args.depth * args.width
if byte_count > len ( contents ):
contents += pad_val * ( byte_count - len ( contents ) )
contents = contents[:byte_count]
# pad if necessary to get to args.width boundary
contents += pad_val * ( len ( contents ) % args.width )
# convert to 2D list of WIDTH-sized ASCII-encoded (hex format) elements
# with optional endianess inversion
if args.invert == True and args.width > 1:
words = [ int ( binascii.hexlify ( contents[i:i+args.width][::-1] ), 16 )
for i in range ( 0, len ( contents ), args.width ) ]
words = [ int ( binascii.hexlify ( contents[i:i+args.width] ), 16 )
for i in range ( 0, len ( contents ), args.width ) ]
# BRAM output
if args.oformat == 'BRAM':
fwidth = args.width * 8
for word in words:
print ( '{:0{fwidth}b}'.format ( word, fwidth = fwidth ) )
# MIF output
if args.oformat == 'MIF':
print ( 'DEPTH = {};'.format ( len ( words ) ) )
print ( 'WIDTH = {};'.format ( args.width ) )
print ( 'ADDRESS_RADIX = HEX;' )
print ( 'DATA_RADIX = HEX;' )
print ( 'CONTENT' )
print ( 'BEGIN' )
fwidth = args.width * 2
for i, word in enumerate ( words ):
print ( '{:x} : {:0{fwidth}x};'.format ( i, word, fwidth = fwidth ) )
print ( 'END;' )
# VHD output
if args.oformat == 'VHD':
print ( '-' * 80 )
print ( '-- Memory initialization file for {}'.format ( args.in_file ) )
print ( '--' )
print ( '-- This file was automatically generated on {}'.format (
today.strftime ( '%A, %B %d %Y') ) )
print ( '-- by {} using the following arguments:'.format ( parser.prog ) )
print ( '-- {}'.format ( vars(args) ) )
print ( '--' )
print ( '-- {} is part of OHWR general-cores:'.format ( parser.prog ) )
print ( '--' )
print ( '-' * 80 )
print ( )
print ( 'library ieee;' )
print ( 'use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;' )
print ( 'use ieee.numeric_std.all;' )
print ( )
print ( 'library work;' )
print ( 'use work.memory_loader_pkg.all;' )
print ( )
print ( 'package {}_pkg is'.format ( ) )
print ( )
print ( ' constant {} : t_meminit_array('.format ( ),
'{} downto 0, {} downto 0) := ('.format ( len ( words ) - 1, args.width * 8 - 1 ) )
iwidth = len ( str ( len ( words ) ) )
fwidth = args.width * 2
numcol = 80 / (12 + iwidth + fwidth)
for i, word in enumerate ( words ):
print ( ' {:{iwidth}d} => x"{:0{fwidth}x}"'.format (
i, word, iwidth = iwidth, fwidth = fwidth ), end = '' )
if i == len ( words ) - 1:
print ( ');' );
print ( ',', end = '' );
if i % numcol == numcol - 1:
print ( )
print ( )
print ( 'end package {}_pkg;'.format ( ) )
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