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Commit 8bc250d3 authored by Wesley W. Terpstra's avatar Wesley W. Terpstra
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spi flash: fix two off-by-one bugs that were cancelling out

c_status_time was one cycle longer than it should be!
this led to the arria5 requiring g_dummy_time-1 in c_vstatus_data
==> after fixing: must increase g_input_to_output_cycles on arria5

there was also a wrong calculation for s_wip with single-lane mode
it was working also by luck because WEL and WIP are usually set
together and are side-by-side, thus masking the c_status_time bug.
parent 9a909631
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......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ entity wb_spi_flash is
-- a) slow clock, b) valid constraints, or c) registered in/outputs
g_input_latch_edge : std_logic := '1'; -- rising
g_output_latch_edge : std_logic := '0'; -- falling
g_input_to_output_cycles : natural := 1); -- between 1 and 32
g_input_to_output_cycles : natural := 1); -- between 1 and 8
clk_i : in std_logic;
rstn_i : in std_logic;
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ architecture rtl of wb_spi_flash is
constant c_4addr : t_byte := "10110111"; --
constant c_3addr : t_byte := "11101001"; --
constant c_write_vstatus: t_byte := "10000001"; --
constant c_vstatus_data : t_byte := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(g_dummy_time-1, 4)) & "1111"; -- no XIP (1), res (1), sequential read (11)
constant c_vstatus_data : t_byte := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(g_dummy_time, 4)) & "1111"; -- no XIP (1), res (1), sequential read (11)
function f_addr_bits(x : natural) return natural is begin
if x <= 24 then return 24; else return 32; end if;
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ architecture rtl of wb_spi_flash is
constant c_low_time : t_count := to_unsigned(g_idle_time-1, t_count'length);
constant c_cmd_time : t_count := to_unsigned(t_byte'length-1, t_count'length);
constant c_status_time : t_count := to_unsigned(8*((g_input_to_output_cycles+14)/8), t_count'length);
constant c_status_time : t_count := to_unsigned(8*((g_input_to_output_cycles+14)/8)-1, t_count'length);
constant c_addr_time : t_count := to_unsigned((c_addr_bits/g_port_width)-1, t_count'length);
constant c_data_time : t_count := to_unsigned((t_wishbone_data'length/g_port_width)-1, t_count'length);
......@@ -184,6 +184,10 @@ begin
assert (g_port_width = 1 or g_port_width = 2 or g_port_width = 4)
report "g_port_width must be 1, 2, or 4, not " & integer'image(g_port_width)
severity error;
assert (g_input_to_output_cycles >= 1 and g_input_to_output_cycles <= 8)
report "g_input_to_output_cycles must be between 1 and 8, not " & integer'image(g_input_to_output_cycles)
severity error;
crossing : xwb_clock_crossing
port map(
......@@ -429,12 +433,11 @@ begin
end if;
end process;
-- bit position 0 ... and correct when g_input_to_output_cycles=1
wip1 : if g_port_width = 1 generate
s_wip <= r_shift_i((g_input_to_output_cycles+7) mod 8);
s_wip <= r_shift_i((9-g_input_to_output_cycles) mod 8);
end generate;
wipx : if g_port_width /= 1 generate
s_wip <= r_shift_i(((33-g_input_to_output_cycles) mod 8) * g_port_width + 1);
s_wip <= r_shift_i(((9-g_input_to_output_cycles) mod 8) * g_port_width + 1);
end generate;
main : process(clk_out_i, clk_out_rstn) is
......@@ -538,7 +541,7 @@ begin
r_adr <= f_increment(r_adr);
when S_READ_DUMMY =>
r_count <= to_unsigned(g_dummy_time-1, t_count'length);
r_count <= to_unsigned(g_dummy_time-1, t_count'length);
r_state_n <= S_READ_DATA;
when S_READ_DATA =>
......@@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ package wishbone_pkg is
-- a) slow clock, b) valid constraints, or c) registered in/outputs
g_input_latch_edge : std_logic := '1'; -- rising
g_output_latch_edge : std_logic := '0'; -- falling
g_input_to_output_cycles : natural := 1); -- between 1 and 32
g_input_to_output_cycles : natural := 1); -- between 1 and 8
clk_i : in std_logic;
rstn_i : in std_logic;
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