report"Wishbone slave device #"&Integer'image(i)&" ("&f_trim(") sdb_component.addr_first ("&f_bits2string(sdb_component.addr_first)&" does not fit in t_wishbone_address."
report"Wishbone slave device #"&Integer'image(i)&" ("&f_trim(") has an address range that is not a power of 2 minus one ("&f_bits2string(std_logic_vector(size))&"). This is not supported by the crossbar."
report"Wishbone slave device #"&Integer'image(i)&" ("&f_trim(") sdb_component.addr_first ("&f_bits2string(sdb_component.addr_first)&") is not aligned. This is not supported by the crossbar."
report"Wishbone slave device #"&Integer'image(i)&" ("&f_trim(") sdb_component.addr_first ("&f_bits2string(sdb_component.addr_first)&" does not fit in t_wishbone_address."
report"Wishbone slave device #"&Integer'image(i)&" ("&f_trim(") has an address range that is not a power of 2 minus one ("&f_bits2string(std_logic_vector(size))&"). This is not supported by the crossbar."
report"Wishbone slave device #"&Integer'image(i)&" ("&f_trim(") sdb_component.addr_first ("&f_bits2string(sdb_component.addr_first)&") is not aligned. This is not supported by the crossbar."
-- Record the address for posterity
report"Too many device and bridge records found in g_layout"