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Commit 0b98ce64 authored by Wesley W. Terpstra's avatar Wesley W. Terpstra
Browse files

xwb_dma: convert variables into signals

We cannot access variables outside the process, which we will need
to be able to do in the next patch.
parent 5fec7a37
No related merge requests found
......@@ -86,6 +86,23 @@ architecture rtl of xwb_dma is
signal slave_o_ACK : std_logic;
signal slave_o_DAT : t_wishbone_data;
signal read_issue_progress : boolean;
signal read_result_progress : boolean;
signal write_issue_progress : boolean;
signal write_result_progress : boolean;
signal new_read_issue_offset : unsigned(logRingLen downto 0);
signal new_read_result_offset : unsigned(logRingLen downto 0);
signal new_write_issue_offset : unsigned(logRingLen downto 0);
signal new_write_result_offset : unsigned(logRingLen downto 0);
signal new_transfer_count : t_wishbone_address;
signal ring_boundary : boolean;
signal ring_high : boolean;
signal ring_full : boolean;
signal ring_empty : boolean;
signal done_transfer : boolean;
function active_high(x : boolean)
return std_logic is
......@@ -137,29 +154,39 @@ begin
r_master_o.DAT <= (others => '0');
w_master_o.DAT <= ring(index(write_issue_offset));
-- Detect bus progress
read_issue_progress <= r_master_o_STB = '1' and r_master_i.STALL = '0';
write_issue_progress <= w_master_o_STB = '1' and w_master_i.STALL = '0';
read_result_progress <= r_master_o_CYC = '1' and (r_master_i.ACK = '1' or r_master_i.ERR = '1' or r_master_i.RTY = '1');
write_result_progress <= w_master_o_CYC = '1' and (w_master_i.ACK = '1' or w_master_i.ERR = '1' or w_master_i.RTY = '1');
-- Advance read pointers
new_read_issue_offset <= (read_issue_offset + 1) when read_issue_progress else read_issue_offset;
new_read_result_offset <= (read_result_offset + 1) when read_result_progress else read_result_offset;
-- Advance write pointers
new_write_issue_offset <= (write_issue_offset + 1) when write_issue_progress else write_issue_offset;
new_write_result_offset <= (write_result_offset + 1) when write_result_progress else write_result_offset;
new_transfer_count <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(transfer_count) - 1) when read_issue_progress else transfer_count;
ring_boundary <= index(new_read_issue_offset) = index(new_write_result_offset);
ring_high <= new_read_issue_offset(logRingLen) /= new_write_result_offset(logRingLen);
ring_full <= ring_boundary and ring_high;
ring_empty <= ring_boundary and not ring_high;
-- Shorten the critical path by comparing to the undecremented value
--done_transfer := unsigned(new_transfer_count) = 0;
done_transfer <= unsigned(transfer_count(c_wishbone_address_width-1 downto 1)) = 0
and (read_issue_progress or transfer_count(0) = '0');
main : process(clk_i)
variable read_issue_progress : boolean;
variable read_result_progress : boolean;
variable write_issue_progress : boolean;
variable write_result_progress : boolean;
variable new_read_issue_offset : unsigned(logRingLen downto 0);
variable new_read_result_offset : unsigned(logRingLen downto 0);
variable new_write_issue_offset : unsigned(logRingLen downto 0);
variable new_write_result_offset : unsigned(logRingLen downto 0);
variable new_transfer_count : t_wishbone_address;
variable ring_boundary : boolean;
variable ring_high : boolean;
variable ring_full : boolean;
variable ring_empty : boolean;
variable done_transfer : boolean;
if (rising_edge(clk_i)) then
if (rst_n_i = '0') then
read_issue_offset <= (others => '0');
read_result_offset <= (others => '0');
write_issue_offset <= (others => '0');
write_issue_offset <= (others => '0');
write_result_offset <= (others => '0');
read_issue_address <= (others => '0');
......@@ -186,50 +213,17 @@ begin
when others => slave_o_DAT <= (others => '0');
end case;
-- Detect bus progress
read_issue_progress := r_master_o_STB = '1' and r_master_i.STALL = '0';
write_issue_progress := w_master_o_STB = '1' and w_master_i.STALL = '0';
read_result_progress := r_master_o_CYC = '1' and (r_master_i.ACK = '1' or r_master_i.ERR = '1' or r_master_i.RTY = '1');
write_result_progress := w_master_o_CYC = '1' and (w_master_i.ACK = '1' or w_master_i.ERR = '1' or w_master_i.RTY = '1');
-- Advance read pointers
if read_issue_progress then
read_issue_address <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(read_issue_address) + unsigned(read_stride));
new_read_issue_offset := read_issue_offset + 1;
new_transfer_count := std_logic_vector(unsigned(transfer_count) - 1);
new_read_issue_offset := read_issue_offset;
new_transfer_count := transfer_count;
end if;
if read_result_progress then
ring(index(read_result_offset)) <= r_master_i.DAT;
new_read_result_offset := read_result_offset + 1;
new_read_result_offset := read_result_offset;
end if;
-- Advance write pointers
if write_issue_progress then
write_issue_address <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(write_issue_address) + unsigned(write_stride));
new_write_issue_offset := write_issue_offset + 1;
new_write_issue_offset := write_issue_offset;
end if;
if write_result_progress then
new_write_result_offset := write_result_offset + 1;
new_write_result_offset := write_result_offset;
end if;
ring_boundary := index(new_read_issue_offset) = index(new_write_result_offset);
ring_high := new_read_issue_offset(logRingLen) /= new_write_result_offset(logRingLen);
ring_full := ring_boundary and ring_high;
ring_empty := ring_boundary and not ring_high;
-- Shorten the critical path by comparing to the undecremented value
--done_transfer := unsigned(new_transfer_count) = 0;
done_transfer := unsigned(transfer_count(c_wishbone_address_width-1 downto 1)) = 0
and (read_issue_progress or transfer_count(0) = '0');
r_master_o_STB <= active_high (not ring_full and not done_transfer);
r_master_o_CYC <= active_high((not ring_full and not done_transfer) or
0% or .
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