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gc_sync_ffs.vhd 3.92 KiB
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-- General Cores Library
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-- description: Synchronizer chain and edge detector.
--   All the registers in the chain are cleared at reset.
-- Copyright CERN 2010-2018
-- Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
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-- and limitations under the License.
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library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity gc_sync_ffs is
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    clk_i    : in  std_logic;   -- clock from the destination clock domain
    rst_n_i  : in  std_logic;   -- reset
    data_i   : in  std_logic;   -- async input
    synced_o : out std_logic;   -- synchronized output
    npulse_o : out std_logic;   -- negative edge detect output
    ppulse_o : out std_logic);  -- positive edge detect output
end entity gc_sync_ffs;
-- make Altera Quartus quiet regarding unknown attributes:
-- altera message_off 10335

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  signal sync0, sync1, sync2 : std_logic;
  attribute shreg_extract          : string;
  attribute shreg_extract of sync0 : signal is "no";
  attribute shreg_extract of sync1 : signal is "no";
  attribute shreg_extract of sync2 : signal is "no";

  attribute keep          : string;
  attribute keep of sync0 : signal is "true";
  attribute keep of sync1 : signal is "true";
  attribute rloc          : string;
  attribute rloc of sync0 : signal is "X0Y0";
  attribute rloc of sync1 : signal is "X0Y0";
  -- synchronizer attribute for Vivado
  attribute ASYNC_REG of sync0 : signal is "true";
  attribute ASYNC_REG of sync1 : signal is "true";
  attribute ASYNC_REG of sync2 : signal is "true";

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  -- rename data_i to something we can use as wildcard
  -- in timing constraints
  gc_sync_ffs_in <= data_i;
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  sync_posedge : if (g_sync_edge = "positive") generate
    process(clk_i, rst_n_i)
      if(rst_n_i = '0') then
        sync0    <= '0';
        sync1    <= '0';
        sync2    <= '0';
        synced_o <= '0';
        npulse_o <= '0';
        ppulse_o <= '0';
      elsif rising_edge(clk_i) then
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        sync1    <= sync0;
        sync2    <= sync1;
        synced_o <= sync1;
        npulse_o <= sync2 and not sync1;
        ppulse_o <= not sync2 and sync1;
      end if;
    end process;
  end generate sync_posedge;

  sync_negedge : if(g_sync_edge = "negative") generate
    process(clk_i, rst_n_i)
      if(rst_n_i = '0') then
        sync0    <= '0';
        sync1    <= '0';
        sync2    <= '0';
        synced_o <= '0';
        npulse_o <= '0';
        ppulse_o <= '0';
      elsif falling_edge(clk_i) then
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        sync1    <= sync0;
        sync2    <= sync1;
        synced_o <= sync1;
        npulse_o <= sync2 and not sync1;
        ppulse_o <= not sync2 and sync1;
      end if;
    end process;
  end generate sync_negedge;