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Commit 8feb4fc7 authored by Wesley W. Terpstra's avatar Wesley W. Terpstra
Browse files

working wishbone output!

parent 1398bcdf
No related merge requests found
......@@ -1269,7 +1269,7 @@ end europa;
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pci_maximum_burst_size_a2p" value="128" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pci_maximum_pending_read_transactions_a2p" value="8" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pci_non_pref_av_master_port" value="true" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pci_not_target_only_port" value="true" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pci_not_target_only_port" value="false" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pci_pref_av_master_port" value="true" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pci_reqn_gntn_pins" value="true" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pci_single_clock" value="false" type="STRING" enable="1" />
......@@ -1283,21 +1283,21 @@ end europa;
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_altgx_keyParameters_used" value="{p_pcie_enable_hip=1, p_pcie_number_of_lanes=x4, p_pcie_phy=Arria II GX, p_pcie_rate=Gen1 (2.5 Gbps), p_pcie_txrx_clock=100 MHz}" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_app_signal_interface" value="AvalonST" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_avalon_mm_lite" value="0" type="INTEGER" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_size_bar_0" value="256 Bytes - 8 bits" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_size_bar_1" value="64 MBytes - 26 bits" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_size_bar_2" value="64 MBytes - 26 bits" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_size_bar_0" value="128 Bytes - 7 bits" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_size_bar_1" value="16 MBytes - 24 bits" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_size_bar_2" value="N/A" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_size_bar_3" value="N/A" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_size_bar_4" value="N/A" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_size_bar_5" value="N/A" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_type_bar_0" value="32-bit Non-Prefetchable Memory" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_type_bar_1" value="32-bit Non-Prefetchable Memory" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_type_bar_2" value="32-bit Non-Prefetchable Memory" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_type_bar_2" value="Disable this and all higher BARs" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_type_bar_3" value="Disable this and all higher BARs" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_type_bar_4" value="Disable this and all higher BARs" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_type_bar_5" value="Disable this and all higher BARs" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_used_bar_0" value="1" type="BOOLEAN" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_used_bar_1" value="1" type="BOOLEAN" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_used_bar_2" value="1" type="BOOLEAN" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_used_bar_2" value="0" type="BOOLEAN" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_used_bar_3" value="0" type="BOOLEAN" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_used_bar_4" value="0" type="BOOLEAN" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "p_pcie_bar_used_bar_5" value="0" type="BOOLEAN" enable="1" />
......@@ -1478,7 +1478,7 @@ end europa;
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "uiFixedTable" value="true" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "uiPCIBar0Type" value="32-bit Non-Prefetchable Memory" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "uiPCIBar1Type" value="32-bit Non-Prefetchable Memory" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "uiPCIBar2Type" value="32-bit Non-Prefetchable Memory" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "uiPCIBar2Type" value="Disable this and all higher BARs" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "uiPCIBar3Type" value="Disable this and all higher BARs" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "uiPCIBar4Type" value="Disable this and all higher BARs" type="STRING" enable="1" />
-- Retrieval info: <PRIVATE name = "uiPCIBar5Type" value="Disable this and all higher BARs" type="STRING" enable="1" />
......@@ -301,10 +301,6 @@ ARCHITECTURE SYN OF altera_pcie_core IS
bar1_64bit_mem_space : STRING;
bar1_prefetchable : STRING;
bar1_size_mask : NATURAL;
bar2_io_space : STRING;
bar2_64bit_mem_space : STRING;
bar2_prefetchable : STRING;
bar2_size_mask : NATURAL;
enable_ecrc_check : STRING;
enable_ecrc_gen : STRING;
enable_l1_aspm : STRING;
......@@ -766,15 +762,11 @@ BEGIN
bar0_io_space => "false",
bar0_64bit_mem_space => "false",
bar0_prefetchable => "false",
bar0_size_mask => 8,
bar0_size_mask => 7,
bar1_io_space => "false",
bar1_64bit_mem_space => "false",
bar1_prefetchable => "false",
bar1_size_mask => 26,
bar2_io_space => "false",
bar2_64bit_mem_space => "false",
bar2_prefetchable => "false",
bar2_size_mask => 26,
bar1_size_mask => 24,
enable_ecrc_check => "false",
enable_ecrc_gen => "false",
enable_l1_aspm => "false",
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity pcie_tlp is
clk_i : in std_logic;
rstn_i : in std_logic;
rx_wb_stb_i : in std_logic;
rx_wb_bar_i : in std_logic;
rx_wb_dat_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
rx_wb_stall_o : out std_logic;
wb_stb_o : out std_logic;
wb_adr_o : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
wb_we_o : out std_logic;
wb_dat_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
wb_sel_o : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
wb_stall_i : in std_logic);
end pcie_tlp;
architecture rtl of pcie_tlp is
type state_type is (h0, h_completion1, h_completion2, h_request, h_high_addr, h_low_addr, p_w0, p_wx, p_we, p_r0, p_rx, p_re);
signal state : state_type := h0;
signal progress : std_logic;
-- Bar0 Registers
-- signal csr : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); -- bit0: CYC
-- signal error : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-- signal address : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-- signal sdwb : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-- Header fields
signal s_fmttype : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal s_length : unsigned(9 downto 0);
signal s_transaction : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
signal s_last_be : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal s_first_be : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal r_fmttype : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal r_length : unsigned(9 downto 0);
signal r_transaction : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
signal r_last_be : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal r_first_be : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal r_address : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-- Common subexpressions:
signal s_length_m1 : unsigned(9 downto 0);
signal s_length_eq1, s_length_eq2 : boolean;
signal s_address_p4 : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-- Stall bypass mux
signal r_always_stall, r_never_stall : std_logic;
wb_adr_o <= r_address;
wb_dat_o <= rx_wb_dat_i;
rx_wb_stall_o <= r_always_stall or (not r_never_stall and wb_stall_i);
-- Fields in the rx_data
s_fmttype <= rx_wb_dat_i(31 downto 24);
s_length <= unsigned(rx_wb_dat_i(9 downto 0));
s_transaction <= rx_wb_dat_i(31 downto 8);
s_last_be <= rx_wb_dat_i(7 downto 4);
s_first_be <= rx_wb_dat_i(3 downto 0);
s_length_m1 <= r_length - 1;
s_length_eq1 <= r_length = 1;
s_length_eq2 <= r_length = 2;
s_address_p4 <= r_address(63 downto 24) &
std_logic_vector(unsigned(r_address(23 downto 0)) + to_unsigned(4, 24));
state_machine : process(clk_i) is
variable next_state : state_type;
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if rstn_i = '0' then
state <= h0;
----------------- Pre-transition actions --------------------
case state is
when h0 =>
r_fmttype <= s_fmttype;
r_length <= s_length;
when h_completion1 => null;
when h_completion2 =>
r_transaction <= s_transaction;
when h_request =>
r_transaction <= s_transaction;
r_last_be <= s_last_be;
r_first_be <= s_first_be;
r_address <= (others => '0');
when h_high_addr =>
r_address(63 downto 32) <= rx_wb_dat_i(31 downto 0);
when h_low_addr =>
-- address also stores busnum/devnum/ext/reg for IO ops
r_address(31 downto 2) <= rx_wb_dat_i(31 downto 2);
when p_w0 => null;
when p_wx => null;
when p_we => null;
when p_r0 => null;
when p_rx => null;
when p_re => null;
end case;
----------------- Transition rules --------------------
next_state := state;
case state is
when h0 =>
if rx_wb_stb_i = '1' then
if s_fmttype(3) = '1' then
next_state := h_completion1;
next_state := h_request;
end if;
end if;
when h_completion1 =>
if rx_wb_stb_i = '1' then
next_state := h_completion2;
end if;
when h_completion2 =>
if rx_wb_stb_i = '1' then
if r_fmttype(6) = '1' then
next_state := p_w0; -- !!! go to some other state
next_state := h0;
end if;
end if;
when h_request =>
if rx_wb_stb_i = '1' then
if r_fmttype(5) = '1' then
next_state := h_high_addr;
next_state := h_low_addr;
end if;
end if;
when h_high_addr =>
if rx_wb_stb_i = '1' then
next_state := h_low_addr;
end if;
when h_low_addr =>
if rx_wb_stb_i = '1' then
if r_fmttype(6) = '1' then
next_state := p_w0;
next_state := p_r0;
end if;
end if;
when p_w0 =>
if (rx_wb_stb_i and not wb_stall_i) = '1' then
if s_length_eq1 then
next_state := h0;
elsif s_length_eq2 then
next_state := p_we;
next_state := p_wx;
end if;
r_length <= s_length_m1;
r_address <= s_address_p4;
end if;
when p_wx =>
if (rx_wb_stb_i and not wb_stall_i) = '1' then
if s_length_eq2 then
next_state := p_we;
end if;
r_length <= s_length_m1;
r_address <= s_address_p4;
end if;
when p_we =>
if (rx_wb_stb_i and not wb_stall_i) = '1' then
next_state := h0;
end if;
when p_r0 =>
if (not wb_stall_i) = '1' then
if s_length_eq1 then
next_state := h0;
elsif s_length_eq2 then
next_state := p_re;
next_state := p_rx;
end if;
r_length <= s_length_m1;
r_address <= s_address_p4;
end if;
when p_rx =>
if (not wb_stall_i) = '1' then
if s_length_eq2 then
next_state := p_re;
end if;
r_length <= s_length_m1;
r_address <= s_address_p4;
end if;
when p_re =>
if (not wb_stall_i) = '1' then
next_state := h0;
end if;
end case;
----------------- Post-transition actions --------------------
wb_stb_o <= '0';
wb_we_o <= 'X';
wb_sel_o <= (others => 'X');
r_always_stall <= '0';
r_never_stall <= '1' ;
state <= next_state;
case next_state is
when h0 => null;
when h_completion1 => null;
when h_completion2 => null;
when h_request => null;
when h_high_addr => null;
when h_low_addr => null;
when p_w0 =>
r_never_stall <= '0';
wb_stb_o <= rx_wb_stb_i;
wb_sel_o <= r_first_be;
wb_we_o <= '1';
when p_wx =>
r_never_stall <= '0';
wb_stb_o <= rx_wb_stb_i;
wb_sel_o <= x"f";
wb_we_o <= '1';
when p_we =>
r_never_stall <= '0';
wb_stb_o <= rx_wb_stb_i;
wb_sel_o <= r_last_be;
wb_we_o <= '1';
when p_r0 =>
r_always_stall <= '1';
wb_stb_o <= '1';
wb_sel_o <= r_first_be;
wb_we_o <= '0';
when p_rx =>
r_always_stall <= '1';
wb_stb_o <= '1';
wb_sel_o <= x"f";
wb_we_o <= '0';
when p_re =>
r_always_stall <= '1';
wb_stb_o <= '1';
wb_sel_o <= r_last_be;
wb_we_o <= '0';
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end rtl;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -39,11 +39,13 @@ architecture rtl of pcie_wb is
signal count : unsigned(26 downto 0) := to_unsigned(0, 27);
signal led_r : std_logic := '0';
signal locked, pow_rstn, rstn, stall : std_logic;
signal locked, pow_rstn, phy_rstn, rstn, stall : std_logic;
constant stall_pattern : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "1111010110111100";
signal stall_idx : unsigned(3 downto 0);
signal rx_wb_stb, rx_wb_stall : std_logic;
signal rx_wb_dat : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
reset : pow_reset
......@@ -59,23 +61,41 @@ begin
c0 => cal_blk_clk,
locked => locked);
rstn <= pow_rstn and locked;
phy_rstn <= pow_rstn and locked;
pcie_phy : pcie_altera port map(
clk125_i => clk125_i,
cal_clk50_i => cal_blk_clk,
rstn_i => rstn,
rstn_o => open,
rstn_i => phy_rstn,
rstn_o => rstn,
pcie_refclk_i => pcie_refclk_i,
pcie_rstn_i => pcie_rstn_i,
pcie_rx_i => pcie_rx_i,
pcie_tx_o => pcie_tx_o,
-- rest open for now
wb_clk_o => wb_clk,
rx_wb_stall_i => stall,
tx_wb_stb_i => '0',
tx_wb_dat_i => (others => '0')
wb_clk_o => wb_clk,
rx_wb_stb_o => rx_wb_stb,
rx_wb_dat_o => rx_wb_dat,
rx_wb_stall_i => rx_wb_stall,
-- No TX... yet.
tx_wb_stb_i => '0',
tx_wb_dat_i => (others => '0'),
tx_wb_stall_o => open);
pcie_logic : pcie_tlp port map(
clk_i => wb_clk,
rstn_i => rstn,
rx_wb_stb_i => rx_wb_stb,
rx_wb_bar_i => '0',
rx_wb_dat_i => rx_wb_dat,
rx_wb_stall_o => rx_wb_stall,
wb_stb_o => open,
wb_adr_o => open,
wb_we_o => open,
wb_dat_o => open,
wb_sel_o => open,
wb_stall_i => stall);
blink : process(wb_clk)
......@@ -28,4 +28,22 @@ package pcie_wb_pkg is
tx_wb_dat_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
tx_wb_stall_o : out std_logic);
end component;
component pcie_tlp is
clk_i : in std_logic;
rstn_i : in std_logic;
rx_wb_stb_i : in std_logic;
rx_wb_bar_i : in std_logic;
rx_wb_dat_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
rx_wb_stall_o : out std_logic;
wb_stb_o : out std_logic;
wb_adr_o : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
wb_we_o : out std_logic;
wb_dat_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
wb_sel_o : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
wb_stall_i : in std_logic);
end component;
end pcie_wb_pkg;
0% or .
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