FSI DIOT Photodetection module 8ch
Project description
The DIOT-FSI-DET-8CH is a Frequency Scanning Interferometry (FSI) photodetection module with 8 channels and DI/OT form factor (Compact PCI Serial standard connector). It enables data acquisition of optical signals from the gas cell, the reference interferometers and return signals of interferometer channels.
FSI allows absolute distance measurement:
- with high accuracy (µm level)
- with no contact
- without need of homing of measured component
Main Features
- 8 input channels (LC-type fibre-optic connectors)
- 12-bits ADC 8 CH 100 MSPS
- Mechanically and electrically compliant with Compact PCI Serial standard (CPCI-S.0)
Hardware versions
- v1: first prototype
- schematics and layout
- 3 units produced
- fully functional, used for characterization
- v2: second prototype (http://edms.cern.ch/nav/EDA-04677-V1-0))
- schematics and layout v2.0 (zip, pdf) submitted for EDL-internal review (see review 1 in ongoing design reviews)
- schematics and layout v2.1 (zip, pdf) submitted for EMC review
- schematics and layout v2.2 (EDA-04677-V1-0, tar, PDF, v2.2_vs_v1.pdf) submitted for production of v2 prototypes
- schematics and layout v2.3 (EDA-04677-V1-1, zip), pdf) - improvements based on v2.2 tests (#21 (closed), #22 (closed), #23 (closed), #24 (closed))
- v3: third prototype (https://edms.cern.ch/item/EDA-04677-V2-0/0)
- schematics and layout
- 36 units produced to be used in IT-String
- Detailed list of HW version changes.
- Design reviews
Project information
- FSI project page (CERN-only)
- Introduction to FSI: Development of High Precision Alignment Monitoring Systems
- Report on AC/DC channel coupling in gas cell performance: AC/DC coupling analysis
Commercial producers
- The design is not yet available as a commercial product
General questions about project
- Maciej Lipinski - CERN
Date | Event |
XX-10-2021 | Prototype v1 produced |
23-06-2022 | Good results of prototype v1 in acceptance tests (see FSI project status) |
04-07-2022 | Design reviews of prototype v2 started |
13-01-2023 | Received prototype v2 |
01-06-2024 | Received first board of prototype v3 |
12/07/2024 | Full 36-boards batch of prototype v3 produced |
12 July 2024