# Zynq carrier for RFoWR based application (CITY)
## Project description
This board, based on the [FASEC Zynq SoC design](/projects/fasec/wikis/home) , is intended to be used for application requiring signals synchronized to an RF master source distribution over a [White Rabbit network](https://www.ohwr.org/project/wr-d3s/wikis/RF-distribution-demo).
It mainly provides:
- WR connectivity
- RFoWR: based on [FMC DAC 12b 1cha DDS](https://ohwr.org/project/fmc-dac-600m-12b-1cha-dds/wikis)
- 12 TTL outputs (6 of them have fine delay unit and RF resynchronization)
- 4 TTL inputs
- 2 FMC slots
**Below is only a template.
Please update using the [recommended setup and usage guide](https://www.ohwr.org/project/ohr-support/wikis/Administrator-guide#recommended-setup-usage)**

*SPEC 1.1 first prototype**
## Main Features
- 4-lane PCIe (Gennum GN4124) *obsolete component, not available
- 1x Xilinx Spartan6 FPGA (XC6SLX45T-3FGG484C) (PCI Device ID: 0x18D)
- special versions with XC6SLX100T and XC6SLX150T available
- FMC slot with low pin count (LPC) connector
- Vadj fixed to 2.5V
- FMC connectivity: all 34 differential pairs connected, 1 GTP
transceiver with clock, 2 clock pairs, JTAG, I2C
- No dedicated clock signals from Carrier to FMC (only available
on HPC pins)
- Stand-alone features
- External 12V power supply connector
- mini USB connector
- 4 LEDs
- 2 buttons
- Power consumption: 5-12 Watt, depending on application
- Optimised for cost
- 6-layer PCB
- Optional cooling [fan](Fan-Design) for the mezzanine.
## Project information
- Official production documentation: [EDMS EDA-02189](http://edms.cern.ch/nav/eda-02189)
- [Users](Users)
- [Software](Software)
- [Frequently Asked Questions](FAQ)
- Licenced under [CERN OHL V1.2](https://www.ohwr.org/project/cernohl/wikis/Documents/CERN-OHL-version-1.2)
## Contacts
### Commercial producers
- not commercially available yet
### General questions about project
- [Antonin Broquet](mailto:antonin.broquet@esrf.fr) - ESRF
## Status
| Date | Event |
| --------- | ------ |
| 12-09-2019| Start working on project. Collecting main specifications.|
| 12-09-2019| ohwr pages started. |
12 September 2019 |
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