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VHDL core for absolute position encoders (SSI, BISS, ENDAT).
More info at the Wiki pageUpdated -
FPGA Firmware ( "Gateware" ) for AIDA-2020 TLU and AIDA mini-TLU
Uses "IPBus Build" ( ipbb )
Build instructions at Instructions here
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Projects / AIDA-2020 TLU - Gateware
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterFPGA Firmware ( "Gateware" ) for AIDA-2020 TLU and AIDA mini-TLU
Uses "IPBus Build" ( ipbb )
Build instructions at Instructions here
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Projects / AIDA-2020 TLU - Software
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
A system to characterize large area silicon pad sensors with several hundred channels. This repository contains the microcontroller firmware.
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Projects / ARRAY / ARRAY - Python Interface
MIT LicenseA system to characterise large area silicon pad sensors with several hundred channels. It consists of two PCBs. One is an active switching 512-to-1 matrix. The second one is a passive probe card to contact the sensor. Software.
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Projects / Beam Positoning Monitor - Software
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlySoftware for Beam Position Monitor, including digital signal processing chains, data acquisition engines, ADC and analog front-end peripherals control/monitoring, timing and control system interface.
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A cute-wr is a compact WR-node implementation with minimum components required. The initial design is derived from SPEC, but would work in an opposite manner as a FMC wr-nic, providing 2 DIO channels, external CLK input, EEPROM, JTAG, RS232, and expandable IOs through FMC connector. The gateware and software of cute-wr would also keep maximum compatibility with SPEC. Project is obsolete. See cute-wr-dp for a similar board.
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Compact Universal Timing Endpoint Based on White Rabbit with Xilinx Artix7. Follow-up of the CUTE-WR-DP. More info at the Wiki page
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A level conversion board between TTL and 24V blocking levels in VME64x form factor. The project uses a rear transition module for connectivity and a front module with the active conversion and diagnostics electronics. More info at the Wiki page
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Projects / DCES-DTRHF-SER1CH-v1
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyData centre environmental sensor - Dust, Temperature, Relative Humidity, Fan - Serial 1 channel - version 1. An environmental sensor for Data Centers that continuously measures airborne particle density in high airflow as well as temperature and relative humidity. It can control its fan speed if needed (PWM controlled fans) and monitors FAN rotational speed (tachometer equipped fans) for precise airflow control and monitoring. It is close to maintenance free and can be integrated in compact enclosures (for example tape drive tray or even an ATX PSU case...). More info at the Wiki page
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Distribution of clock signals over a White Rabbit network. It uses an PLL with a numerically controlled (DDS) oscillator to extract the characteristics of a signal that in turn are distributed over a White Rabbit network to receiving nodes with a DAC that regenerate exactly the same signal in phase. More info at the Wiki page
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A distributed oscilloscope based on the White Rabbit network. More info at the Wiki page
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Production and functional tests for FMC ADC 100M 14b 4cha.
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Software to support the FMC ADC 400k 18b 4cha iso mezzanine, including Linux device driver, library and test program.
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Projects / FMC Bus
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterThe FMC bus abstraction implements a Linux kernel bus named fmc. This allows to deal with FMC mezzanines in a carrier-independent way
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Projects / FMC High-Voltage supply - fmc-hv-2ch
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyFMC LPC card with two High Voltage (HV) outputs and one Low Voltage (5-10V) output. Has mV voltage sensing and mA current sensing capabilities. More info at the Wiki page
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Production and functional tests for FMC TDC 1ns 5cha.
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This project defines data structures, to be embedded in the FPGA memory address space, to enumerate the devices that have been synthetized in the current design. The same structure is also used as a simple flash file system. AKA Self-Describing Bus (SDB) Specification for Logic Cores. The layout is simple enough to be parsed both by the host and by the internal soft-core, if any.
The documentation is public, and related code is GNU GPL licensed.