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  • Gateware for Beam Position Monitor, including digital signal processing chains, data acquisition engines, ADC and analog front-end peripherals control/monitoring, timing and control system interface.

  • Projects / DCES-DTRHF-SER1CH-v1

    GNU General Public License v3.0 only

    Data centre environmental sensor - Dust, Temperature, Relative Humidity, Fan - Serial 1 channel - version 1. An environmental sensor for Data Centers that continuously measures airborne particle density in high airflow as well as temperature and relative humidity. It can control its fan speed if needed (PWM controlled fans) and monitors FAN rotational speed (tachometer equipped fans) for precise airflow control and monitoring. It is close to maintenance free and can be integrated in compact enclosures (for example tape drive tray or even an ATX PSU case...). More info at the Wiki page

  • This project contains gateware for the Distributed IO Tier demonstrator according to the CERN Warm Interlocks specification

  • EPICS support for Wishbone peripherals: This project consist of a Generic EPICS IOC AsynDriver to support wishbone peripheral. It include the following features:

    Driver for X1052, Gennum, Etherbone WB master. Direct access to any register in the wishbone bus Auto-generation of EPICS Database file using wbgen2 Automatic real number convertion (2 complements, fixed point, signess) using .wb file Support for WR Core and other internal bus protocols (i2c, spi, etc.)

    More info at the Wiki page

  • Etherbone is an FPGA-core that connects Ethernet to internal on-chip wishbone buses permitting any core to talk to any other across Ethernet.

  • Updated
  • Projects / FMC DEL 1ns 4cha - stand-alone application

    GNU General Public License v3.0 only

    A fully operational stand-alone FMC Delay card based White-Rabbit node which can be initialized and perform periodic calibrations without requiring to be plugged on a PC, reducing final system cost, size and power consumption. More info at the Wiki page

  • A fully open electronic watch project featuring an integrated GPS receiver. More info at the Wiki page

  • Projects / HEV - High Energy Ventilator

    GNU General Public License v3.0 or later

    The open-source HEV ventilator implements the modes PC-A/C, PC-A/C-PRVC, PC-PSV and CPAP More info at the Wiki page

  • High-resolution frequency/phase-microstepper for timing laboratories. More info at the Wiki page

  • The nanoFIP test board is used to test the functionality of the nanoFIP design. Apart from the nanoFIP chip, the FielDrive and the FieldTR it houses another Actel FPGA that can access nanoFIP in stand-alone or in memory mode. This FPGA can also communicate through a RS232 port with a windows PC running the NFTC software. The components on the board are placed in such a way that with a focused beam, radiation tests can be performed to the nanoFIP, FielDrive and FieldTR, leaving the rest if the components in a radiation-safe zone. The card has been designed by the company HLP.

  • OpenBreath / Open Breath Lung Ventilator

    CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Strongly Reciprocal

    Open Breath lung ventilator. It is developed to be low-cost, scalable and easily manufactured. It can be used in Pressure and Volume Control, SIMV+PS and CPAP functions. More info at the Wiki page

  • A VHDL core for a PCI slave. The other side behaves like a Wishbone master.

    More info at the Wiki page
  • PHASE (Portable Hardware Analyzer with Sharing Explorer) aims at unifying hardware debugging in a single tool. From the host machine, a user may graphically interconnect components to describe the connection between his computer and the target device to debug. For example, a USB JTAG cable might be the root node, connected to an Arria2 development board with a CPLD and an FPGA, containing a LM32 processor.

    Wherever possible, PHASE fetches design descriptions from the internet based on the detected JTAG IDCODEs, USB vendor IDs, or PnP BUS information. In the preceding example, each step of the chain would be automatically detected. The USB cable from the vendor+product codes, the FPGA from the JTAG IDCODE and the LM32 from the Arria2's sld hub. The user would now be presented with read/write access to the data and instruction buses for visual inspection or firmware loading. Furthermore, the user could launch gdb to halt and single-step the embedded LM32 CPU.

    If a device is not yet described, the user may assemble a driver out of the reusable software components. For example, an Altera USB-Blaster driver is just a FTDI device chained with a byte packeter and a JTAG bit banger. Once the design has been graphically assembled, it is automatically scanned for attached JTAG devices and the USB cable design is shared online with any future users of the same cable.

  • Projects / powerlink

    BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

    Powerlink Industrial Ethernet stack. It runs on top of the Hydra rad-tol SoC project. More info at the Wiki page

  • Projects / PPSi

    GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only

    A Precise Time Protocol (PTP, IEEE 1588) software stack whose single source code can be compiled for many architectures (POSIX systems, WR switch, WR node, ...) and which is easily extensible.

  • This is a port of an older Linux ptpd to support White Rabbit extensions and run both in hosted and freestanding environment. In the future we plan to replace it with PPSI, which has a much better design, but ptp-noposix is currently working pretty well despite being difficult to maintain.

  • This is a PCB-design + Arduino firmware for an Ethernet-controlled 1:8 RF-multiplexer. It allows selecting as output one of eight input-channels, as commonly used e.g. in timing-laboratories when one wants to measure many RF-sources (clock outputs like 1PPS or 10MHz) with a single instrument (frequency or time-interval counter). The design is for two independent MUX-boards to fit in a 1U 19” rack enclosure. For more information, see the wiki

  • Projects / Software for White Rabbit PTP Core

    GNU General Public License v2.0 or later

    White Rabbit PTP Core software for LatticeMico32. It consists of a software wrapper for running a PTP daemon without an operating system and device drivers for WRPC HDL internals.

  • Test. May be deleted.
