Commit 10ce9590 authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

test build for risc-v

parent e5b353e7
Pipeline #879 failed with stage
in 16 seconds
# Tomasz Wlostowski for CERN, 2011,2012 # Tomasz Wlostowski for CERN, 2011,2012
-include $(CURDIR)/.config -include $(CURDIR)/.config
CROSS_COMPILE ?= lm32-elf- CROSS_COMPILE ?= /home/twl/gcc-riscv/bin/riscv32-elf-
...@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ PPSI = ppsi ...@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ PPSI = ppsi
# list of file extensions to be copied for MAKEALL script # list of file extensions to be copied for MAKEALL script
cflags-arch = -march=rv32im -mabi=ilp32 -msoft-float cflags-arch = -march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32
USER_CFLAGS = $(cflags-arch) USER_CFLAGS = $(cflags-arch)
#PPSI_O_LDFLAGS = -melf32lriscv #PPSI_O_LDFLAGS = -melf32lriscv
#-mabi=ilp32 #-mabi=ilp32
...@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ USER_CFLAGS = $(cflags-arch) ...@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ USER_CFLAGS = $(cflags-arch)
CFLAGS += $(cflags-arch) CFLAGS += $(cflags-arch)
# we miss CONFIG_ARCH_LM32 as we have no other archs by now # we miss CONFIG_ARCH_LM32 as we have no other archs by now
obj-$(CONFIG_LM32) = arch/lm32/crt0.o arch/lm32/irq.o obj-$(CONFIG_LM32) =
LDS-$(CONFIG_WR_NODE) = arch/lm32/ram.ld LDS-$(CONFIG_WR_NODE) = arch/risc-v/ram.ld
LDS-$(CONFIG_TARGET_WR_SWITCH) = arch/lm32/ram-wrs.ld LDS-$(CONFIG_TARGET_WR_SWITCH) = arch/risc-v/ram-wrs.ld
obj-$(CONFIG_WR_NODE) += wrc_main.o obj-$(CONFIG_WR_NODE) += arch/risc-v/crt0.o arch/risc-v/irq.o wrc_main.o
obj-$(CONFIG_WR_NODE_SIM) += wrc_main_sim.o obj-$(CONFIG_WR_NODE_SIM) += wrc_main_sim.o
obj-$(CONFIG_TARGET_WR_SWITCH) += ipc/minipc-mem-server.o ipc/rt_ipc.o obj-$(CONFIG_TARGET_WR_SWITCH) += ipc/minipc-mem-server.o ipc/rt_ipc.o
...@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ CFLAGS = $(cflags-y) -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes \ ...@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ CFLAGS = $(cflags-y) -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes \
LDFLAGS = $(ldflags-y) \ LDFLAGS = $(ldflags-y) \
-Wl,--gc-sections -Os -lgcc -lc -march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32 -Wl,--gc-sections -Os -lgcc -lc
WRC-O-FLAGS-$(CONFIG_LM32) = --gc-sections -e _start WRC-O-FLAGS-$(CONFIG_LM32) = --gc-sections -e _start
...@@ -238,6 +238,10 @@ distclean: clean ...@@ -238,6 +238,10 @@ distclean: clean
%.o: %.c %.o: %.c
${CC} $(CFLAGS) $(PTPD_CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE_DIR) $(LIB_DIR) -c $*.c -o $@ ${CC} $(CFLAGS) $(PTPD_CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE_DIR) $(LIB_DIR) -c $*.c -o $@
%.o: %.S
${CC} -march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32 -c $*.S -o $@
liblinux: liblinux:
$(MAKE) -C liblinux CC=cc $(MAKE) -C liblinux CC=cc
.section .boot, "ax", @progbits
.global _start
j _entry
.org 0x8
.extern trap_entry
j trap_entry
la gp, _gp # Initialize global pointer
la sp, _fstack
la t0, _fexception_stack
csrrw t0, mscratch, t0
# clear the bss segment
la t0, _fbss
la t1, _end
#ifdef __riscv64
sd zero,0(t0)
addi t0, t0, 8
sw zero,0(t0)
addi t0, t0, 4
bltu t0, t1, 1b
call main
#include <stdint.h>
struct rv_trap_context {
uint32_t r[32];
uint32_t mstatus;
uint32_t mepc;
uint32_t mbadaddr;
uint32_t mcause;
void undefined_insn_handler( struct rv_trap_context *ctx )
uint32_t insn = *(volatile uint32_t *)( ctx->mepc );
ctx->r[0] = 0;
uint32_t rs1 = ctx->r[(insn >> 15) & 0x1f];
uint32_t rs2 = ctx->r[(insn >> 20) & 0x1f];
uint32_t rdi = (insn >> 7) & 0x1f;
// we support MUL natively
if ( (insn & 0xfe00707f) == 0x2001033 ) // MULH
ctx->r[rdi] = ( (int64_t)(int32_t)rs1 * (int64_t)(int32_t) rs2) >> 32;
else if ( (insn & 0xfe00707f) == 0x2002033 ) // MULHSU
ctx->r[rdi] = ((int64_t)(int32_t)rs1 * (uint64_t) rs2) >> 32;
else if ( (insn & 0xfe00707f) == 0x2003033 ) // MULHU
ctx->r[rdi] = ((uint64_t) rs1 * (uint64_t) rs2) >> 32;
else if ( (insn & 0xfe00707f) == 0x2004033 ) // DIV
ctx->r[rdi] = (int32_t)rs1 / (int32_t) rs2;
else if ( (insn & 0xfe00707f) == 0x2005033 ) // DIVU
ctx->r[rdi] = (uint32_t)rs1 / (uint32_t) rs2;
else if ( (insn & 0xfe00707f) == 0x2006033 ) // REM
ctx->r[rdi] = (int32_t)rs1 % (int32_t) rs2;
else if ( (insn & 0xfe00707f) == 0x2007033 ) // REMU
ctx->r[rdi] = (uint32_t)rs1 % (uint32_t) rs2;
ctx->mepc += 4;
asm volatile ("csrc mip, 0x4"); // clear exception
\ No newline at end of file
// See LICENSE for license details.
#define CSR_ID_CYCLESH 0xc80
#define CSR_ID_CYCLESL 0xc00
#define CSR_ID_TIMEH 0xc81
#define CSR_ID_TIMEL 0xc01
#define CSR_ID_MSCRATCH 0x340
#define CSR_ID_MEPC 0x341
#define CSR_ID_MSTATUS 0x300
#define CSR_ID_MCAUSE 0x342
#define CSR_ID_MIP 0x344
#define CSR_ID_MIE 0x304
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define rv_read_csr(reg) ({ unsigned long __tmp; \
asm volatile ("csrr %0, " #reg : "=r"(__tmp)); \
__tmp; })
#define rv_write_csr(reg, val) \
asm volatile ("csrw " #reg ", %0" :: "r"(val))
#define rv_swap_csr(reg, val) ({ long __tmp; \
asm volatile ("csrrw %0, " #reg ", %1" : "=r"(__tmp) : "r"(val)); \
__tmp; })
#define rv_set_csr(reg, bit) ({ unsigned long __tmp; \
if (__builtin_constant_p(bit) && (bit) < 32) \
asm volatile ("csrrs %0, " #reg ", %1" : "=r"(__tmp) : "i"(bit)); \
else \
asm volatile ("csrrs %0, " #reg ", %1" : "=r"(__tmp) : "r"(bit)); \
__tmp; })
#define rv_clear_csr(reg, bit) ({ unsigned long __tmp; \
if (__builtin_constant_p(bit) && (bit) < 32) \
asm volatile ("csrrc %0, " #reg ", %1" : "=r"(__tmp) : "i"(bit)); \
else \
asm volatile ("csrrc %0, " #reg ", %1" : "=r"(__tmp) : "r"(bit)); \
__tmp; })
#define rv_rdtime() rv_read_csr(time)
#define rv_rdcycle() rv_read_csr(cycle)
RISC-V / RV32 interrupt support code
Based on the RISC-V proxy kernel
.section .text
.global trap_entry
csrrw sp,mscratch,sp
addi sp,sp,-320
sw ra,4(sp)
sw gp,12(sp)
sw tp,16(sp)
sw t0,20(sp)
sw t1,24(sp)
sw t2,28(sp)
sw s0,32(sp)
sw s1,36(sp)
sw a0,40(sp)
sw a1,44(sp)
sw a2,48(sp)
sw a3,52(sp)
sw a4,56(sp)
sw a5,60(sp)
sw a6,64(sp)
sw a7,68(sp)
sw s2,72(sp)
sw s3,76(sp)
sw s4,80(sp)
sw s5,84(sp)
sw s6,88(sp)
sw s7,92(sp)
sw s8,96(sp)
sw s9,100(sp)
sw s10,104(sp)
sw s11,108(sp)
sw t3,112(sp)
sw t4,116(sp)
sw t5,120(sp)
sw t6,124(sp)
csrr t0,mscratch
csrr s0,mstatus
csrr t1,mepc
csrr t2,mbadaddr
csrr t3,mcause
sw t0,8(sp)
sw s0,128(sp)
sw t1,132(sp)
sw t2,136(sp)
sw t3,140(sp)
li t0,-1
sw t0,144(sp)
mv a0,sp
la t0, jump_table
sll t3, t3, 2
add t0, t0, t3
lw t0, 0(t0)
la ra, jump_table_return
jr t0
.word undefined_handler
.word undefined_handler
.word undefined_insn_handler
.word undefined_handler
.word undefined_handler
.word undefined_handler
.word undefined_handler
.word undefined_handler
.word undefined_handler
.word undefined_handler
.word undefined_handler
.word undefined_handler
.word undefined_handler
.word undefined_handler
.word undefined_handler
.word undefined_handler
mv a0,sp
lw t1,128(a0)
lw t2,132(a0)
addi sp,sp,320
csrw mscratch,sp
csrw mepc,t2
lw ra,4(a0)
lw sp,8(a0)
lw gp,12(a0)
lw tp,16(a0)
lw t0,20(a0)
lw t1,24(a0)
lw t2,28(a0)
lw s0,32(a0)
lw s1,36(a0)
lw a1,44(a0)
lw a2,48(a0)
lw a3,52(a0)
lw a4,56(a0)
lw a5,60(a0)
lw a6,64(a0)
lw a7,68(a0)
lw s2,72(a0)
lw s3,76(a0)
lw s4,80(a0)
lw s5,84(a0)
lw s6,88(a0)
lw s7,92(a0)
lw s8,96(a0)
lw s9,100(a0)
lw s10,104(a0)
lw s11,108(a0)
lw t3,112(a0)
lw t4,116(a0)
lw t5,120(a0)
lw t6,124(a0)
lw a0,40(a0)
.weak undefined_handler
j undefined_handler
.weak undefined_insn_handler
j undefined_insn_handler
ram :
ORIGIN = 0x00000000,
LENGTH = 196608 - 2048
stack :
ORIGIN = 196608 - 2048,
LENGTH = 2048
. = 0;
_ftext = .;
PROVIDE( eprol = . );
.text :
} > ram
.init :
KEEP( *(.init) )
} > ram
.fini :
KEEP( *(.fini) )
} > ram
.rodata :
} > ram
PROVIDE( etext = . );
_etext = .;
. = ALIGN(16);
_fdata = .;
.data :
} > ram
PROVIDE( edata = . );
_edata = .;
. = ALIGN(16);
_gp = . + 0x800;
.sdata :
} > ram
. = ALIGN(8);
_fbss = .;
.sbss :
} > ram
. = .;
_bss_start = .;
.bss :
} > ram2
PROVIDE(_endram = ORIGIN(stack));
PROVIDE(_fstack = ORIGIN(stack) + LENGTH(stack) - 0x400);
PROVIDE(_fexception_stack = ORIGIN(stack) + LENGTH(stack) - 0x4);
PROVIDE(_end = .);
ram :
ORIGIN = 0x00000000,
stack :
/* Code and read-only segment */
/* Begining of code and text segment */
. = 0;
_ftext = .;
PROVIDE( eprol = . );
/* text: Program code section */
.text :
} > ram
/* init: Code to execute before main (called by crt0.S) */
.init :
KEEP( *(.init) )
} > ram
/* fini: Code to execute after main (called by crt0.S) */
.fini :
KEEP( *(.fini) )
} > ram
/* rodata: Read-only data */
.rodata :
} > ram
/* End of code and read-only segment */
PROVIDE( etext = . );
_etext = .;
/* Global constructor/destructor segement */
/* The .ctors/.dtors sections are special sections which contain a
list of constructor/destructor function pointers. crtbegin.o
includes code in a .init section which goes through the .ctors list
and calls each constuctor. crtend.o includes code in a .fini
section which goes through the .dtors list and calls each
destructor. crtbegin.o includes a special null pointer in its own
.ctors/.dtors sections which acts as a start indicator for those
lists. crtend.o also includes a special null pointer in its own
.ctors/.dtors sections which acts as an end indictor. The linker
commands below are setup so that crtbegin.o's .ctors/.dtors
sections are always first and crtend.o's .ctors/.dtors sections are
always last. This is the only way the list of functions will have
the begin and end indicators in the right place. */
/* ctors : Array of global constructor function pointers */
/* Initialized data segment */
/* Start of initialized data segment */
. = ALIGN(16);
_fdata = .;
/* data: Writable data */
.data :
} > ram
/* End of initialized data segment */
PROVIDE( edata = . );
_edata = .;
/* Have _gp point to middle of sdata/sbss to maximize displacement range */
. = ALIGN(16);
_gp = . + 0x800;
/* Writable small data segment */
.sdata :
} > ram
/* Uninitialized data segment */
/* Start of uninitialized data segment */
. = ALIGN(8);
_fbss = .;
/* Writable uninitialized small data segment */
.sbss :
} > ram
/* bss: Uninitialized writeable data section */
. = .;
_bss_start = .;
.bss :
} > ram2
/* End of RAM for checking stack overflows */
PROVIDE(_endram = ORIGIN(stack));
/* First location in stack is highest address in STACK */
PROVIDE(_fstack = ORIGIN(stack) + LENGTH(stack) - 0x400);
PROVIDE(_fexception_stack = ORIGIN(stack) + LENGTH(stack) - 0x4);
PROVIDE(_end = .);
Subproject commit cb8c90b7447b36398dcd8d00e0a4ab6eaf334bdc Subproject commit 317250f276692ea33473cbabe62c30b52229982b
...@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ OBJDUMP = $(CROSS_COMPILE)objdump ...@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ OBJDUMP = $(CROSS_COMPILE)objdump
# calculate endianness at compile time # calculate endianness at compile time
ENDIAN := $(shell ./check-endian $(CC)) ENDIAN := $(shell ./check-endian $(CC))
CFLAGS = -Wall -ggdb -O2 CFLAGS = -Wall -ggdb -O2 -march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32
CFLAGS += -I../include/linux -I../include # for <sdb.h> CFLAGS += -I../include/linux -I../include # for <sdb.h>
CFLAGS += -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections CFLAGS += -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
CFLAGS += -Wno-pointer-sign CFLAGS += -Wno-pointer-sign
...@@ -322,6 +322,13 @@ static void create_tasks(void) ...@@ -322,6 +322,13 @@ static void create_tasks(void)
#endif #endif
} }
uint32_t uptime_sec;
void enable_irq() {};
void disable_irq() {};
int main(void) __attribute__ ((weak)); int main(void) __attribute__ ((weak));
int main(void) int main(void)
{ {
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