• Maciej Lipinski's avatar
    HAL: Implementation of Low Phase Drift Calibration (from Tom's commits) · ed532573
    Maciej Lipinski authored
    This is a hand-based squash+merge+clean of the Low Phase Drift
    Calibration implemetned in HAL by Tom (based on branch
    tom-v6-determinism-5.0.1). Tom's branch is based on release version
    of wr-switch-sw that has been grately modified. Therefore, it
    was not easy to just merge.
    In principle, this commit includes Tom's code copy+pasted, as much
    as was possible. In some places, I made "TODO-ML:" comments. These
    places will be modified later with separate commits. This was
    done to make the changes somehow clean and logical
    - first Tom's code in this commit
    - then further improvements in separate commits
hal_ports.c 41.5 KB