This package is meant to include all white-rabbit software for the switch. Part of this comes from the original white-rabbit svn repository on, part comes from separate repositories that I merged here. All documentation lives in doc/ , where the *.in files are the sources (one only, currently, other ones have been removed when obsoleted). The wrs-build documentation, thus, is what you actually need to build all the stuff that goes into the switch, and program to internal flash memory.
Michal Wasiak
In the generated code MacAddress is mapped into ASN_OCTET_STR, which uses
a length as a first byte, then the content of MAC/string.
With this behaviour of ASN_OCTET_STR, the index was 1 byte longer than suppose
to be. Anyway, it is not needed to carry the length of MacAddress since it is
defined as fixed in the MIB.
Michal Wasiak <>