Milestone ID: 16
Firmware release v6.1
All issues for this milestone are closed. You may close this milestone now.
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Introduction chapter is missing for pdf documents generated from texinfo
- Provide a tool to enable jumbo frames and disable autonegotiation
- Display information about GM in wr_mon
- Add informing about unrecognized SFP in wr_mon
- Wrong CRTT value in the output of 'wr_mon -e'
- Disable/Change verbosity level of the errors "VLAN configuration: (/wr/bin/wrsw_rtud): Read learning queue: error -1"
- improve reporting of offset between NTP and WR time
- Unable to set alpha as 0 to fiber
- Incorrect source type Announce messages (ISPCS2022 tests)
- Default location of leap-seconds.list file is not valid any more
- bug in script updating leap-seconds.list
- check interval is selected to 'hours' for monitoring system clock
- Create a tool to disable SFP's TX
- Overwritten eeprom on SFPs when CONFIG_READ_SFP_DIAG_ENABLE=y
- slave port in EXT_OFF when using CONFIG_READ_SFP_DIAG_ENABLE=y
- wrong timing after node reset (bitslide not updated at the node reset)
- web interface does not show firmware version, WR status nor temperature
- detect whether a switch is a low-jitter version
- SNMP: wrong text for errors like: wrsPTPFramesFlowing: No TX PTP frames flowing for port XX (wriXX) which is up and in WR mode
- cron is not supervised by monit
- ptpdump does not interpret WR singaling frames
- CONFIG_PORTxx_INST01_T24P_TRANS_POINT required also on ports without instance
- peer's mac is 00:00:00:00:00:00 when wrs in slave mode
- wr_mon: change "Timing mode" to "PLL mode"
- externalPortConfigurationEnabled not available in Kconfig for Free running master
- WRS does not genereate PPS in free running master
- Memory leak in SNMP when using OIDs from BRIDGE-MIB and QBRIDGE-MIB
- change value of sysObjectID to reflect WRS
- Export rtu_stat and wrs_vlans output via SNMP (as subset of BRIDGE-MIB and Q-BRIDGE-MIB)
- implement radius-802.1X
- do not report delock count indefinitely when the value is greater than 0
- Unable to reboot a switch before 60 seconds elapse since boot
- Make sure LLDP works correctly with VLANs