NTP does not correctly report problem with wrong server name
If NTP server is defined, but is not reachable, then log messages wrongly reports that NTP was successful and the saved date at last reboot is not restored.
In such case the log contain:
<30>Jan 1 00:00:41 wr_date: ntpd: bad address 'zzzzz'
<30>Jan 1 00:00:41 wr_date: NTP success
<30>Jan 1 00:00:44 wr_date: ntpd: bad address 'zzzzz'
<30>Jan 1 00:00:44 wr_date: Retry 1/1 : NTP query failed, unable to contact server(s) (zzzzz).
<30>Jan 1 00:00:44 wr_date: ERROR: could not reach NTP server(s) zzzzz after 1 retries
<30>Jan 1 00:00:44 wr_date: Restore saved time 2024.12.12-00:10:18
Thu Dec 12 00:10:18 UTC 2024
<30>Dec 12 00:10:18 wr_date: Setting WR time from host time