Alessandro Rubini authoredf0189770
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This directory hosts the minic and nic drivers for the WR switch. The minic, together with the underlying vhdl implementation, is work by Tomasz Wlostowski. The rest and any bug is by Alessandro Rubini, but Tom helped integrating with the new vhdl and testing stuff. Structure of this package ========================= README This file. COPYING GNU GPL Version 2. This package is copyrighted by CERN and released as free software. Makefile Used to compile the various drivers. You should set LINUX in your environment or in the command line of "make". wr_vic/ wr_minic/ The directories host original work by Tomasz, copied here from svn. patches/ The directory hosts the kernel patches, split by kernel versions. I have a git tree for that, and the patches here have been spit out by "git format-patch". See a later section about git. nic/ This is the new driver, for the new logic design. Compiling the kernel ==================== To compile the kernel, you need to retrieve the pristine sources for 2.6.35 and apply the patches for the switch. You can do that using git or with old-style tar+patch. See the subsection about how to get the sources. Once you have the wrswitch kernel, you should cd to its main directory and compile in this way. Note that the CROSS_COMPILE prefix may be the one you built using buildroot or more or less any other cross-gcc. The CROSS_COMPILE variable must end with the hyphen tha appears before "gcc" in the name of the actual compiler. export ARCH=arm export CROSS_COMPILE=/path/to/cross/arm-linux- make wrswitchv2_defconfig make uImage Finally, copy the uImage to your tftp server directory, as the boot-loader in the switch is preconfigured to get a file called "uImage" from your tftp server. cp arch/arm/boot/uImage /tftpboot Using git --------- If you use git, you are expected to already have some copy of Linus' official tree. Let's say it's in /usr/src/linux-vanilla.git . In that case, you should first check out 2.6.35 and then fetch the wrswitch branch. The git tree where I have the stuff is git://gnudd.com/linux-wrswitchv2/ What follows is one possible way, adding branches to the vanilla tree. (I use different names for the various items to help the non-expert git user in differentiatine them, a cleaner approach would be using "wrswtichv2" for all items in the different ocntexts). cd /usr/src/linux-vanilla.git git remote add gnudd git://gnudd.com/linux-wrswitchv2/ git fetch gnudd git checkout -b wr-kernel gnudd/wrswitch2-dev Af this point, you checkout is a new branch that corresponds to the "wrswitch2-dev" branch on my gnudd server. Another option is creating a different checkout that uses data from the Linus tree you already have on your system. (Strictly speaking, you can avoid creating the "linus" remote to fetch it, but I feel this is clearer). export GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES=/usr/src/linux-vanilla.git/objects mkdir /usr/src/linux-wr cd /usr/src/linux-wr git init git remote add linus /usr/src/linux-vanilla.git/objects git remote add gnudd git://gnudd.com/linux-wrswitchv2/ git fetch linus git fetch gnudd git checkout -b wr-kernel gnudd/wrswitch2-dev Please note that if you don't have a local "Linus" tree first, your fetch from gnudd will take several hours. You should first fetch from a mainstream server the official kernel to make this operation fast. To make the "GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES" setting persistent, you can save it to local repository: echo /usr/src/linux-vanilla/objects > .git/objects/info/alternates Using tar and patch ------------------- If you are not a git user, you might apply the patches, with this procedure, using your national mirror instead of ch.kernel.org. Let's assume your starting current directory is the one where this README lives. DOCDIR=$(/bin/pwd) cd /usr/src/linux-wr wget ftp://ftp.ch.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-2.6.35.tar.bz2 tar xjf linux-2.6.35.tar.bz2 mv linux-2.6.35/* linux-2.6.35/.??* . rmdir linux-2.6.35 for n in in $DOCDIR/patches/2.6.35/*; do cat $n | patch -p1; done Compiling the modules ===================== To compile the drivers please run "make", after setting up the proper environment variables: LINUX should point to the kernel directory. For example, export LINUX=/usr/src/linux-wr CROSS_COMPILE should be the same prefix you used to cross-compile the kernel. If CROSS_COMPILE_ARM is set, it is used as a default (the name CROSS_COMPILE_ARM is used in wrdev2 scripts) ARCH should be "arm", but the Makefile set it if not defined. With the variables in place, after "make" you'll have a few kernel modules, with extension ".ko", that should be copied to the target system and loaded. Let's assume the target is T= scp $(find . -name '*.ko') root@$T:/wr/lib/modules The previous command assumes you either know the root password of your private key is authorized in the target system. The latter happens if you build the filesystem using wrdev2, which copies your public key to the target. Integration with wrdev2 ======================= Tomasz released some scripts, as a standalong "wrdev2.tar.gz" package and available in the White Rabbit svn under "build_scripts". The svn version is better as the ramdisk is made using initramfs rather then ext2.gz. This code is replacing part of that material with different procedures, and integration is currently non-existent. You are expected to build the switch system using the other script-set and then replace the kernel and modules with what is available here. Over time I plan to integrate better, and possibly replace wrdev2 by bringing in here all the good material that is found there.